5 Trends Shaping the Future of Health Care Consumerism—and What They Mean to Marketers

May 8, 2015

// By Lindsay R. Resnick, MHA //

Lindsay R. ResnickThe consumerization of health care means your customer is now in control: budgeting health benefits, choosing providers, and navigating care delivery options. They are comparing prices, quality, convenience, and outcomes as they post reviews; and, refer friends and family—one way or the other. And a constant stream of technology innovation makes it easier and easier for them to do it.

For providers, payers, and pharma this is not a fad. Health care consumerism is here to stay and will grow exponentially, driven by a tsunami of marketplace change:

  • Shift in financial burden and decision-making to the individual consumer.
  • Increased access to organized, relevant health care information (aka Transparency).
  • Acceptance of (or forced) “personal health care responsibility” by Americans.
  • Transition to pay-for-performance, outcome-driven reimbursement schemes.
  • Technology innovation facilitating health care accessibility, understanding, and management.
  • “SoLoMo” health care—social, local, and mobile—it’s all about convenience.

Industry leaders, even fast followers, are responding by creating holistic health care communities built around five trends shaping the future of health care consumerism in America: personalization, connectivity, accountability, empowerment, and experience.

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