Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Improving Access for Vulnerable Patient Populations

Laura Ferrio, senior vice president and chief operating officer, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

Traumatic injury of the brain or spine can be caused by a sports or work accident, age-related, or other medical issues. Whatever the cause, physical rehabilitation requires a significant amount of follow-up home care after a patient leaves the hospital. But all too often, social determinants of health ­and barriers to access impact a patient’s Read More

Rallying Stakeholders Around DEI Through Meaningful Community Focus


The Shirley Ryan AbilityLab improves access for vulnerable patient populations. // By Marcia Simon, APR // Traumatic injury of the brain or spine can be caused by a sports or work accident, age-related, or other medical issues. Whatever the cause, physical rehabilitation requires a significant amount of follow-up home care after a patient leaves the Read More