Patient Retention

Strategic Growth Planning in the Age of Advanced Data Analytics

Nick Fromell, senior product manager for Optum

Data analytics is more important than ever, given industry pressures tightening health system budgets. Fortunately, expanding data resources provide planners with additional analytical tools they need to identify and capitalize on the most promising strategic growth opportunities. Discover how planners can leverage these information sources to develop effective growth plans.

Leveraging Data Analytics to Drive Strategic Growth

Brian Griffin

// By Brian Griffin // Data analytics is more important than ever, given industry pressures tightening health system budgets. Fortunately, expanding data resources provide planners with additional analytical tools they need to identify and capitalize on the most promising strategic growth opportunities. Discover how planners can leverage these information sources to develop effective growth plans.

Should You Spend Your Media Budget on Branding or Acquisition?

Jerry Hobbs, president and chief strategy officer at Prairie Dog

MultiCare’s CEO believes brand-building is the key to sustainable growth, and that it supports acquisition. It’s not either-or; it’s both-and.  // By Jane Weber Brubaker // Health care marketers are sometimes on the defensive when proposing budgets to their CEOs and CFOs, feeling the pressure to justify the expense and project the expected return on Read More

Why Health Systems Must Manage and Accelerate Growth Going Forward

“Growth is important for every organization,” says Daniel Fell of Optum. “Whether it’s for-profits or not-for-profits, start-ups or established market leaders, every business depends on some level of growth to succeed in the near term. Growth is also essential to long-term sustainability, especially when navigating dynamic markets and overcoming unforeseen market disruptions.” Here’s an excerpt Read More

The Growth Imperative and Why Marketing Must Lead

Daniel Fell, marketing consultant and senior strategist at Optum

// By Daniel Fell // Growth is far from one-dimensional and shouldn’t be thought of in terms of new patients and new revenue only. Growth is important for every organization. Whether it’s for-profits or not-for-profits, start-ups or established market leaders, every business depends on some level of growth to succeed in the near term. Growth Read More

Why Tracking Lifetime Value Metrics Can Help Retention Efforts

Suzanne Sawyer, SVP, chief marketing and communications officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine

If acquiring a new customer is up to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one, why is so much attention paid to patient acquisition and so little to retention? Even the definition of “new patient” is relative. At what point does a former patient who has leaked out of the system have to Read More

Share of Care: A New Way to Think About Health Care Metrics

D.J. Sullivan, director, HSG Advisors

Measuring brand loyalty is a constant challenge for health care organizations. Marketing professionals use different measures to determine if they’re capturing patients throughout their health care journey. One of the parameters being used today is called Share of Care. Share of Care is a revenue-based measurement that gauges the health of the patient relationship, according Read More

Measuring the Health of the Patient Relationship

Eric Andreoli, director, HSG Advisors

// By Wendy Stark Healy // How much of a patient’s health care spending goes to your organization? And how much goes to your competitors? “Share of Care” is a revenue-based measurement that compiles multiple data points to give you the full picture. Measuring brand loyalty is a constant challenge for health care organizations. Marketing Read More