Simione Healthcare Consultants

Bringing Health Care Marketing and PR Together

Don Stanziano, chief marketing and communications officer at Geisinger

More and more, health care marketing and PR are coming together with a common goal of advancing organizational objectives. Gone are the days when marketing and public relations functions competed for funding, worked in silos, or thought that one side of the house was more creative than the other. Truth is, there’s plenty of creativity to Read More

Marketing & Public Relations: Why Reaching Across the Aisle Works

Don Stanziano, chief marketing and communications officer at Geisinger

// By Wendy Stark Healy // One less silo would be welcome news for any health care organization. More and more, marketing and PR are coming together with a common goal of advancing organizational objectives. In this article, we hear from three marketing and PR leaders who share their perspectives on how the landscape has Read More