Health Equity/Diversity/Inclusion

Strategic Health Care Marketing Monthly Update, Episode 3

In episode 3 of Strategic Health Care Marketing Video Update: a rebranding initiative – a high-performance ad campaign – a success story about getting public health information to hard-to-reach and historically underserved communities – 3 health systems lead on health equity, diversity, and inclusion – insights from senior health system executives who came from outside of health care – and viewpoints from 4 physician CEOs. Take a look at our latest stories.

Strategic Health Care Marketing Monthly Update, Episode 2

SHCM Video Update, Episode 2

In episode 2 of Strategic Health Care Marketing Video Update: a rebranding initiative – a high-performance ad campaign – a success story about getting public health information to hard-to-reach and historically underserved communities – 3 health systems lead on health equity, diversity, and inclusion – insights from senior health system executives who came from outside of health care – and viewpoints from 4 physician CEOs. Take a look at our latest stories.

Mentoring Program Creates Pipeline To Fill Health Care Leadership Roles

A few seminal moments led to the genesis of the Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute (BHLI). Marketed as an intense professional development program, BHLI has a self-proclaimed mission to “eliminate health care disparities among minority and vulnerable populations by cultivating a pipeline of culturally competent under-represented scholars for leadership roles in health care.” John W. Bluford Read More