Online Bill Pay Saves Health System Money, Frees Resources, and Satisfies Patients
It’s common today for people to buy their food and clothing online, and to arrange their travel reservations through web-based services. Now many health systems also allow patients to view and pay their health care bills online. In addition to increasing patient satisfaction with this offering, health care systems can also save valuable staff time if the bills are paid seamlessly without any need for an employee to intervene.
Lancaster General Health (LG Health) in Lancaster, Pennsylvania recently adopted a new approach to the patient revenue cycle with the Simplee Financial Care software platform, which benefits patients and also pays off for the organization.

Denise Kennedy, Vice President of Financial Services, Lancaster General Health
“For online bill pay, [until recently] we had designed a homegrown web page that allowed users to enter their account information and make a payment via credit card. Oftentimes, the patient would type in a wrong account number or pay whatever amount they felt like paying, leading to confusion and poor accountability,” says Denise Kennedy, Vice President of Financial Services for LG Health.
The the health system deployed a third-party technology solution for health care providers that optimizes the patient billing experience for self-service with estimates, billing engagement, checkout, and financial assistance.
How’s it working out for LG Health? “Eighty-two percent of patients who pay through our online bill payment platform say they are very satisfied with our online billing process,” Kennedy says. This approach to bill paying also represents a significant savings in manpower and staffing for LG Health.
For more details, including why online bill payment can be a valuable competitive differentiator for your system, read the full article now: New Online Billing/Payment System Pays Off for Patients and Staff at a Pennsylvania Health System.
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey
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