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Turning a Tight Budget + Low Brand Awareness Into Health Care Marketing Success

Peter Hochstein

“As the health sciences have advanced, pressure to see more patients in less time has also grown. Little wonder that doctor-patient relationships often seem less personal—and consequently less satisfying—than they once were,” notes veteran copywriter and regular SHCM columnist Peter Hochstein. “It was just this kind of society-wide malaise that provided a branding opportunity for Read More

On Humorous Health Care Advertising, Media Planning, Conservative Doctors, Cold Feet—and Possibly a Few Rueful Afterthoughts

Peter Hochstein

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // This story is a departure from what you usually find in this space. It’s about television advertising for the services of a single practitioner, not a group practice or hospital. It’s also about a rare occurrence—real knee-slapping humor in a spot supporting treatment for a medical Read More

Use Consumer Data To Improve the Quality of the Care You Provide

Keith Schneider, Director of Consumer & Brand for Professional Research Consultants (PRC)

“As a health care marketer or leader, you know your health care system doesn’t specialize in everything,” Keith Schneider notes. “By pairing the needs of your market with your unique differentiators, your team has chosen its investments wisely. “This intelligent approach allows you to focus on excellence. Yet you might be surprised that, despite service Read More

A Children’s Hospital in Boston Pulls Out All the Emotional Stops. Result: Striking Increases in Web Traffic, Enhanced Staff Enthusiasm, and a Powerful Brand Image

Peter Hochstein

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // In most other markets, the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center would be in the catbird seat. The 94-bed hospital is part of a larger teaching hospital. It’s connected to a prestigious medical school. And it has won its fair share of awards and Read More

A Money-Back Guarantee In Health Care? Yes.

Peter Hochstein

When new CEO David Feinberg, M.D., arrived at Geisinger Health System in May 2015, he saw a large system with a great reputation for medical innovation and outcomes. “But its reputation among its patients based on their hospital experiences? Not so great,” says copywriter and regular SHCM contributor Peter Hochstein. Hochstein notes that the hospital regularly surveys employees, patients, Read More

How to Dispel Stereotypes in Health Care Marketing

Sara Tack, Co-Founder and Creative Director at Smith & Jones

In the wake of the Orlando tragedy, it’s more important than ever for health care organizations to keep their messages all-inclusive. Here’s how. // By Sara Tack // Hospitals and health systems are responsible for taking care of anyone and everyone regardless of race, religion, gender orientation, or age. That’s the nature of health care: Read More

How To Keep Your Messaging Inclusive and Non-Discriminatory

Sara Tack, Co-Founder and Creative Director at Smith & Jones

“Health care advertising often falls short of representing the various populations that hospitals and health systems serve,” says Sara Tack. “We are inclusive to a point, covering our diversity bases by featuring ads with Caucasians, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians. Sometimes, these images come across as pandering or obvious tokenism to the point where the Read More

Retail Health Care: Meet Your Customers Where They Are—Literally

Christi McCarren, RN, MBA, CPHQ, Senior Vice President of Retail Health and Community-Based Care, MultiCare Health

It used to be that if you built a good health system, people would come. But in today’s hectic world, many organizations find it necessary to extend their services to places their patients frequent instead. In fact, these days, organizations providing the highest-quality care are a given, but how that care is delivered—and where—have become the Read More

Growing Health Care System Solves a Branding Challenge By Keeping It Local

Daniel P. Stevens

“Health care is changing—and so are health care brand campaigns,” says Daniel P. Stevens. “Building a strong health care brand in an environment that is undergoing drastic change is challenging: the switch from fee for service to value-based care; the emergence of accountable care organizations; the consolidation of hospitals—the list goes on. Sure, these shifts Read More

Personas Bring Abstract Health Care Consumers To Life

Matt Hummel

“A recent Accenture report found a significant correlation between superior patient experiences and higher margins for hospitals of every type and size. In an increasingly choice-driven health care industry, it’s no wonder that ‘patient-centricity’ is a buzzing topic for a variety of stakeholders—from regulators and payers to provider organizations,” says Matt Hummel, founder and President Read More

Embracing Collective Differences to Build One Cohesive Health Care Brand

Daniel P. Stevens

// By Daniel P. Stevens, DMD, PhD, MBA // Health care is changing—and so are health care brand campaigns. Building a strong health care brand in an environment that is undergoing drastic change is challenging: the switch from fee for service to value-based care; the emergence of accountable care organizations; the consolidation of hospitals—the list Read More

Advertising—and a Revolutionary Refund Policy—Help to Change the Brand Experience at Geisinger Health System

Peter Hochstein

Notable Health Care Advertising  // By Peter Hochstein // How fast can you turn a ship around—a really big ship? Here’s what happened at Geisinger Health System, with 12 hospital campuses; 1,472 licensed beds combined; over 2.6 million outpatient visits annually; two research centers; 30,000 employees; 1,600 employed physicians; plus a 510,000-member health plan. All Read More

How to Find Value in Personas for Health Care Marketing

Matt Hummel

From Research to Personas in 3 Steps // By Matt Hummel // A recent Accenture report found a significant correlation between superior patient experiences and higher margins for hospitals of every type and size. In an increasingly choice-driven health care industry, it’s no wonder that “patient-centricity” is a buzzing topic for a variety of stakeholders—from Read More

Making That Sale: Taking a Retail Approach to Health Care

Christi McCarren, RN, MBA, CPHQ, Senior Vice President of Retail Health and Community-Based Care, MultiCare Health

// By Lisa D. Ellis // It used to be that if you built a good health system, people would come. But in today’s hectic world, many organizations find it necessary to extend their services to places their patients frequent instead. In fact, these days, organizations providing the highest-quality care are a given, but how that Read More

Emotional vs. Rational Health Care Advertising—With a Nod to a 1960s Hit Song

Peter Hochstein

Peter Hochstein, our crackerjack marketing writer, likes to interview hospital marketing departments and their advertising agencies for his column. “And I often ask them identical questions. I justify this with an analogy concerning two people viewing an elephant from opposite ends,” he notes. “One party tells you the animal’s most notable feature is a skinny tail. Read More

Marketing to Health Care Marketers and Providers: 5 Steps to Help Get Your Foot in the Door (and Hopefully Keep It There!)

Jeannie Lewis

// By Jeannie Lewis // If you’re a medical supply company, compliance software manufacturer, or other provider of health care products or services targeted to hospitals, health care organizations, long-term facilities, or other types of care providers, it’s important to understand the current realities of the marketplace so you can position yourself in the best Read More

Oops? Ouch! How One Urgent Care Center’s Advertising Sets It Apart

  Copywriter and SHCM columnist Peter Hochstein recently spotted an interesting advertising tactic for an urgent care center: A billboard displaying the word “OOPS?” in an upward-slanted, rounded rectangle, along with the word “OUCH!” in a similar but downward-slanted rectangle. Adjacent to OOPS? and OUCH! is a headline that says “Crystal Run Urgent Care!” Hochstein was curious to know Read More

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