Strategic Issues/Trends

Centralized Marketing: Building an Effective Structure

Nancy Vessell profile pic

by Nancy Vessell Marketing functions within hospital systems have run the spectrum from fully centralized at the corporate level to mostly autonomous at the local level. But as more hospitals fold themselves into systems, marketing is increasingly shifting toward centralization. “A lot of it is being driven by this crazy world of mergers and acquisitions,” Read More

Fast Takes: News & Trend Lines, February 2014

Next CEOs may come from outside the industry According to a survey conducted for executive search firm Ferguson Partners, health care executives who were asked to name the top three outside industries likely to produce tomorrow’s health system leaders chose finance, (92 percent), hospitality (55 percent), investment (40 percent), and pharmaceutical (33 percent). Manufacturing, information Read More

The Health Care World Series

Ritch K. Eich, PhD

by Ritch K. Eich, PhD In the game of professional baseball there are two levels of contest and two levels of play: the World Series and everything else. This model translates now and again to organizational management – though hardly as often as business authors would like us to believe – and under extreme circumstances Read More

Are You Prepared for the Next Generation of Service Lines?

by Cecily Lohmar The last decade has seen con­siderable growth in health care service lines, most often with the objective of expanding the more profitable services. At the same time, there have been numerous market changes – with more to come. Service lines have been an effective model for im­proving quality and cost in the Read More

Fast Takes: News & Trend Lines, December 2013

Survey: Cost transparency major factor in provider and plan choice A survey of insured health care consumers released last month by TransUnion, a credit information and information management services company, reveals that 55 percent of consumers have started paying more attention to the details of their medi­cal bills during the past year. Two-thirds (67 percent) Read More

Focus on Consumer Needs, Not Provider Needs to Survive Health Care Transformation

Sheryl S. Jackson

Price and Quality Transparency to Gain Importance in Coming Years by Sheryl S. Jackson For almost seven years, the television show “Marcus Welby, MD,” featured a veteran general practitioner who fo­cused on patients as people in an era when specialized medicine and tech­nology were growing in importance. Many storylines had Dr. Welby listening to patients Read More

Dignity Health Rebrands: Say Hello to Human Kindness

by Jane Weber Brubaker A helicopter hovers over a concrete embankment, flood­waters rising rapidly around the target of the rescue operation, a black lab, alone and struggling to keep his head above water. “Does everyone matter?” asks the TV commercial. The chopper drops a line and a rescue worker lifts the dog to safety. “Yes” Read More

Big Data, Little Information?

by Joyce Miller, Jaren Wilson, and Beverly Schulman In recent years, the volume and variety of health care data has grown exponen­tially to the point that the term “big data” has be­come part of our vocabu­lary. Big data refers to data sets so large and complex that they are difficult to process. In short, big Read More

Fast Takes: News & Trend Lines, October 2013

Wide disparities in access and quality by state Access to affordable health care and the quality of care provided vary greatly for low-income people ($47,000 a year for a family of four) based on the state in which they live, according to a new report from the Commonwealth Fund. Geographic differences also extend to people Read More

Consumers Shop Price More, But Industry Response Still Lags

Nancy Vessell profile pic

// By Nancy Vessell // For the past decade, David Marlowe, principal of Strategic Marketing Concepts, based in Ellicott City, MD, has encouraged health care providers to consider pricing their services more strategically in order to gain market share. Here he answers questions about the latest in strategic pricing. First, what is strategic pricing, as Read More

Racing to Wellness: A Marketing Model for Wellness

Susan Dubuque

// By Susan Dubuque // This article is the third in a series on the role of marketing in the face of a changing health care environment. Health care marketers are being swept along in the frenzy of wellness and health promotion. But for most marketers, the concept is still ill-defined and a bit fuzzy Read More

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