Treating Ebola Patients: Transparency and Coordinated Communication at a High Stakes Moment; Lessons Learned

March 5, 2015

(1)Nebraska Medicine doctor being interviewed on camera by FoxNews

A frenzy of media attention has been centered on Nebraska Medicine in Omaha recently. As one of only three hospitals in the United States to run a biocontainment unit equipped to treat highly infectious diseases, it has had an almost unprecedented opportunity to play host to a few of the nation’s first Ebola patients over the past six or so months.

Nebraska Medicine’s isolation unit, which is the largest such unit in the nation, has five rooms and a total of 10 beds. It features a special air-locked handling system that prevents the spread of germs. The treatment team there trains four times a year to be ready for a variety of possible scenarios. Still, nothing could completely prepare the staff for the barrage of interest–and concern–created by the admittance of their first Ebola patient.

Taylor Wilson is the Senior Media Relations Coordinator for the 630-bed hospital, which is a clinical partner of the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He says that despite all of the rumors and worry circulating about Ebola and about how this potentially fatal virus is transmitted, the staff, patients, and community have been generally supportive about the hospital’s important role in caring for these seriously ill patients.

In fact, he notes the biggest hurdles haven’t come in the form of protests from other patients or their families, but rather from the overwhelming response from media outlets from all over the country that were eager to stay abreast of the latest occurrences at Nebraska Medicine in regard to the patients’ statuses.

Discover how Nebraska was able to succeed in this high stakes moment, and what your organization can take away from their experience. Read the full story: Treating Ebola Patients Gives University-Based Hospital a Healthy Boost in the Community.

Best regards,
Matt Humphrey

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