Why Effective Management of the Patient Journey Is Essential

Rich Phillips CEO and co-founder of Customer Evolution

“The U.S. health care industry is undergoing tremendous change — some might say disruption,” says Rich Phillips, CEO and co-founder of Customer Evolution. “This is driven by multiple factors, including rising consumer expectations, the significant cost of care noncompliance, and the emergence of nontraditional competitors.” In his new article, Phillips explains why health care marketers Read More

Technology’s Role in Managing Chronic Conditions

Kathy Selker, president and CEO, Northlich

“Telemedicine is more than a nascent trend — it’s here to stay,” according to Kathy Selker, president and CEO of Northlich, an independent, full-service marketing and advertising agency. Selker’s new article explores how technology, such as wearables, can help patients with chronic conditions better monitor their health — and how marketers can connect with and Read More

Walking the Talk with Price Transparency

Kathy Delis, administrative director of revenue cycle support, University of Utah Health

A 2017 price transparency study published in the journal Hospital Pediatrics found 30 out of 45 pediatric hospitals contacted provided price estimates. Only 12 of the 30 that provided estimates had online price calculators. A new price transparency guideline from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which went into effect in January, is Read More

Sometimes Branding Is an Art in More Ways Than One

Peter Hochstein

What besides advertising could contribute to a children’s hospital brand experience? It could be a friendly bear, a playful dog, a rocky wolf, or a little girl with a perpetually broken leg. // By Peter Hochstein // There’s an enormous bear. And he’s just outside the front door of a children’s hospital. And with his Read More

Making the Shift from Journey Mapping to Journey Management to Improve Patient Experience and Health Outcomes

Rich Phillips CEO and co-founder of Customer Evolution

// By Rich Phillips // The U.S. health care industry is undergoing tremendous change — some might say disruption. This is driven by multiple factors, including rising consumer expectations, the significant cost of care noncompliance, and the emergence of nontraditional competitors. To thrive within this tumultuous environment, health systems are increasingly focused on two important Read More

Marketing Hospitals to Women with Chronic Conditions

Kathy Selker

// By Kathy Selker // Telemedicine is more than a nascent trend — it’s here to stay. This article explores how new technology, such as wearables, can help patients with chronic conditions better monitor their health — and how marketers can connect with and drive preference among these chronic care patients before a crisis happens. Read More

How Much Does It Cost? Addressing Price Transparency

Althea Fung

// By Althea Fung // Health care is in the midst of a shift toward a consumer-centric model — empowering patients to have a greater role in how their health care dollars are spent. But there’s a problem. It’s hard to shop around if no one can tell you how much services cost. A 2017 Read More

How (and Why) To Encourage Your Employees To Eat Well

Kansas Hospital Association Logo

Your hospital may get high marks for caring for patients, but how well does it measure up in caring for your employees’ health? The Kansas Hospital Association (KHA) is taking a leadership role in encouraging a growing number of health systems to serve up more nutritious options in their cafeterias and vending machines, with the Read More

Women Make Health Care Decisions – Does Your Marketing Reflect This?

Kathy Selker

“While hospitals cater to everyone, their most influential consumers are women, who make 80 percent of health care decisions in America,” says Kathy Selker. Selker is president and CEO of Northlich, an independent full-service marketing and advertising agency. In our new article, Selker discusses how to connect with this key health care demographic. Here’s an Read More

Digital Accessibility: How to Achieve Compliance and Create a Better User Experience

John Mulvey and April Morgan

A new Strategic Health Care Marketing webinar for health care marketers, communicators, and digital strategists

Wednesday | May 15, 2019 | 2 p.m. Eastern

Your Presenters:

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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) covers much more than ramps and rails. Today, accessibility includes the internet and the digital accommodations required for people with vision, hearing, or mobility impairments.

Compliance with accessibility guidelines isn’t just a moral imperative — it’s a legal one. With web accessibility lawsuits increasing every year, it’s not a matter of if, but when, organizations not in compliance will be sued.

Does your website provide equal access to people with disabilities, including digital content? In the recent past, digital accessibility was complicated, labor-intensive, and expensive, and often required disruptive website redesign. Now, there are efficient and effective technological solutions that take into account your resources, timelines, and budget.

Join us on May 15 and learn how you can remove the compliance burden from your team and offer a website that is more usable for all of your visitors.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How laws and regulations about digital accessibility apply to your health care organization
  • The importance of compliance given aggressive legal challenges
  • How to meet compliance standards and mitigate risk without burdening your marketing team or incurring expensive redesign costs
  • How to ensure that your organization’s website is fully accessible, including improved user engagement, conversion optimization, and SEO considerations

You’ll leave this webinar with the ammunition you need to make the case to C-Suite leaders that digital accessibility is as much a priority as accessible buildings — and the risks of noncompliance are too great to ignore.

Register »

A “Big Reveal” Approach To a Successful Rebrand

Flagler Health Plus Logo - square

For well over a century, Flagler Hospital has gone to great lengths to care for the physical health of residents living in St. John’s County in northeastern Florida. But while its commitment to health has remained constant over the decades, in recent years its focus has broadened beyond the physical aspects of providing inpatient care Read More

10 Ways Hospital Marketers Can Connect with Women

Kathy Selker

// By Kathy Selker // While hospitals cater to everyone, their most influential consumers are women, who make 80 percent of health care decisions in America. It’s important to segment and target by gender, but remember that women prefer gender-neutral marketing messages. With recent social media movements toward greater equality for women (in all realms, Read More

How a Florida Health System’s Rebranding Campaign Hit a Hole in One

Gina Mangus, vice president of marketing and strategic communications Flagler Health+

// By Lisa D. Ellis // What happens when a health care entity outgrows its name? One Florida-based health system recently tackled this challenge, reinventing its brand to better reflect its identity in an exciting new way. For well over a century, Flagler Hospital has gone to great lengths to care for the physical health Read More

What Can Negativity Do for Your Advertising? At the University of Rochester Medical Center, Talking About “The Bad Stuff” Is Doing Lots of Good

Peter Hochstein

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // Here’s a powerful technique for building emotion into your advertising. If you dare to use it. Advertisers in almost any business — and the advertising agencies that service them — usually hate negativity. They look for emphasis on the upbeat. They like to portray, as the Read More

What Do Consumers Want From Your Health Care Organization?

Dan Clarin, senior vice president of Kaufman, Hall & Associates

Want to increase your health care organization’s market share? Think like a consumer. That’s the advice of Dan Clarin, CFA, senior vice president of Kaufman, Hall & Associates, a health care consulting, software, and data company. Improving access to care, aligning price with value, and providing better patient experience are key to increasing market share, Read More

Think Like a Health Care Consumer to Increase Market Share

Wendy Stark Healy

// By Wendy Stark Healy // Want to increase your health care organization’s market share? Think like a consumer. That’s the advice of Dan Clarin, CFA, senior vice president of Kaufman, Hall & Associates, a health care consulting, software, and data company. Improving access to care, aligning price with value, and providing better patient experience Read More

Book Takes a Positive View of Health Care Achievements

Michael J. Dowling, president and CEO of Northwell Health

There are many reasons to write a book, but Michael J. Dowling, president and CEO of Northwell Health, identifies the need for an objective look at health care that takes positive achievements into account as well as challenges as his reason for co-authoring Health Care Reboot: Megatrends Energizing American Medicine. “I was growing increasingly frustrated Read More

Want Headlines? Create Your Own Newsroom.

Cape Cod Health News Home Page

Many great stories exist at Cape Cod Healthcare (CCHC), just waiting to be told. Yet until recently, there was a shortage of opportunities and avenues to share most of them, says Patrick Kane, senior vice president, communications and business development of CCHC. This prompted Kane to take matters into his own hands to create a Read More

Creating a Unified Brand for Permanente Medical Group

Stephen M. Parodi, MD, associate executive director of The Permanente Medical and executive vice president of external affairs for The Permanente Federation

Permanente Medical Group leaders set out to create a unified brand for its eight medical groups around the country, the health system’s physician leaders went on the road to engage with physicians and patients at every single location. The findings have enabled the medical groups to be developed as an “ingredient brand” to bring value Read More

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