Partner Up to Externally Rightsize Your Health Care Organization

Dennis Knox, Chief Executive Officer of Aethena Healthcare Holding Company
“As the Affordable Care Act continues to alter the profile of health care in America, hospitals are challenged to meet the objectives of the Triple Aim and offer access, quality, and affordability in their care delivery even while reimbursement continues to be ratcheted back,” says Dennis Knox, Chief Executive Officer of Aethena Healthcare Holding Company.
“In many communities, the hospital is looked upon, and is being held accountable, to be the central source for ‘hosting’ or coordinating much-needed services,” he notes. Because hospitals and health systems “cannot always be ‘all things to all people,'” they must partner with other community organizations in order to provide a comprehensive level of care, Knox says.
Partnering, he observes, can be a form of “external rightsizing.” He advises seeking guidance from experts on “how best to partner with other groups that are strong in the areas where you have needs, such as developing a Clinically Integrated Network with partner organizations.
“When you team up with others who share some of your interests and goals, you can make much more of an impact than you could have achieved by yourself, and you can do it in the most cost-effective way, as well,” he says.
For real-life examples of these successful partnerships, as well as 14 valuable rightsizing strategies, read the full article now: Par for the Course: Why Rightsizing Your Operations to Fit the Level of Reimbursement Can Help You Earn The Best Score.
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey
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