How to Recruit Good Hospitalists to Improve the Health of Your Organization (Hint: Avoid These 4 Costly Mistakes!)
Physician Strategies
// By Lisa D. Ellis //
What strategies does your organization take to attract good hospitalists to join your staff? If the truth is that you rely completely on a recruiter rather than involving your hospitalist group in the process, you may be missing some important opportunities. Therefore, it may be time to rethink your approach and strengthen your commitment to this essential area.
The Role of a Hospitalist
Health care organizations are increasingly under pressure to contain costs, prevent errors, and reduce length of stay all while improving patient satisfaction and achieving the best outcomes. Having strong hospitalists on board to create a strong clinical team can be a significant element to help you achieve these goals, says John Nelson, MD, MHM, FACP, co-founder of Nelson Flores, a health care strategy company in La Quinta, California, that works with hospitals and integrated delivery systems.

John Nelson, MD, MHM, FACP, co-founder of Nelson Flores and medical director at Overlake Medical Center
Nelson, who also serves as medical director at Overlake Medical Center in Bellevue, Washington, draws on more than 25 years of experience to guide health systems to achieve best results.
Nelson explains that most hospitals today recognize the benefits of having strong hospitalist programs, which in layman’s terms refers to the concept of developing a practice of physicians who work exclusively in the hospital setting to care for patients, in essence, serving as inpatient “case managers.” Yet attracting medical professionals to fill these positions can be challenging in many areas of the country since the supply of hospitalists available falls short of demand.
“Outside of the top 20 or 30 metro areas, the rest of the country has trouble recruiting and retaining hospitalists,” he says.