Johns Hopkins Medicine

How 12 Children’s Hospitals Are Expanding Mental Health Care to Meet Growing Demand

Boston Children’s Hospital logo

The United States is facing a national crisis in child and teen mental health. Children’s hospitals across the country are responding by building upon the care they already provide. Read on to explore 12 notable initiatives at children’s hospitals across the country working to tackle the growing challenges in adolescent mental health.

Children’s Hospitals Expand Care to Confront Adolescent Mental Health Crisis

Cincinnati Children's logo

// By Melissa Sher // The United States is facing a national crisis in child and teen mental health. Children’s hospitals across the country are responding by building upon the care they already provide. Read on to explore 12 notable initiatives at children’s hospitals across the country working to tackle the growing challenges in adolescent mental health.

Monigle Survey Ranks the Most Humanized Health Care Brand Experiences

Althea Fung

When providers demonstrate warmth and an empathetic, human view of health care, it matters to consumers. // By Althea Fung // People respond to people. But with the rise of technology in marketing, many brands sound less and less human. This is particularly true in health care, where organizations haven’t traditionally been consumer-centric. But some Read More

Building a Web of Trust to Overcome Health Disparities

Terris King, Sc.D., CEO of the Lukan Group, and pastor of Liberty Grace Church of God in Baltimore

This is a tale of three cities, or more accurately, two cities and a state, where partnerships between faith-based organizations and health systems — built on trust and mutual respect — are solving some of health care’s toughest challenges. // By Jane Weber Brubaker // An article titled “COVID and Race” appeared in the New Read More

Johns Hopkins Medicine Leveraged Positive Momentum to Drive Repositioning

During the past two years of a pandemic that continues to rage, health care brands have absorbed the additional burden of managing their reputations in the throes of unprecedented consumer demand for needed services to counter COVID-19 within their communities. Hospitals and health systems across the U.S., including Johns Hopkins Medicine, have overwhelmingly answered the Read More

How Do Organizations Embrace and Embed Consumer-Centric Values?

Steven K. Klasko, MD, MBA, former president, Thomas Jefferson University, and CEO, Jefferson Health

Let’s face it. Health care is a maze, and patients often feel like the rat, trying to get through and hitting one dead end after another. More often than not, health systems don’t prioritize what matters to patients. And even calling patients “patients” instead of “consumers” may serve to maintain the status quo. In the Read More

Johns Hopkins Medicine — Positioning Brand Beyond the Product

Suzanne Sawyer, SVP, chief marketing and communications officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine

// By John Marzano // In the middle of a pandemic, with the world tuning in daily to view the latest alarming statistics on infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, Johns Hopkins Medicine launched a new brand campaign centered on hope, connection, and progress. During the past two years of a pandemic that continues to rage throughout Read More

8 Dimensions of Patient-Centered Care Revisited and Reaffirmed

Ryan Donohue, corporate director of program development, NRC Health

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // The 2021 book Patient No Longer asks the question, “What makes the top organizations in the country unique?” Let’s face it. Health care is a maze, and patients often feel like the rat, trying to get through and hitting one dead end after another. More often than not, health Read More

Why Tracking Lifetime Value Metrics Can Help Retention Efforts

Suzanne Sawyer, SVP, chief marketing and communications officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine

If acquiring a new customer is up to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one, why is so much attention paid to patient acquisition and so little to retention? Even the definition of “new patient” is relative. At what point does a former patient who has leaked out of the system have to Read More

Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Easier Said Than Done?

José Rodríguez, MD, associate vice president for Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (HEDI), University of Utah School of Medicine

// By Marcia Simon, APR // Just the notion that groups of people are overlooked or marginalized means there’s much work to be done to level the playing field. The past year of glaring health disparities revealed that health care as an industry needs to step up and root out biases, even when unconscious, that Read More

While the National Mood Is Grim, Internet Campaign at Johns Hopkins Medicine Goes Just a Tad Upbeat, Building Staff Morale While Standing Out from the Crowd

Peter Hochstein

// By Peter Hochstein // Hey, there’s a pandemic going on! Hospital workers are supposed to look harassed, grave, and ready to collapse from exhaustion, right? That’s not quite the way the communicators and staff at Johns Hopkins Medicine saw it. Result? Internet views by the — no, not by the thousands, by multiples of Read More

The Importance of Defining and Recognizing Clinical Excellence

Miller Coulson Academy of Clinical Excellence at Johns Hopkins

Marketers’ ability to grow market share and promote patient loyalty is intricately and inextricably linked with what actually happens when patients receive treatment. Patients expect clinical expertise as a baseline. It’s the way they are treated that defines the relationship and either forges a bond or drives patients online to report their bad experiences on Read More

Patients Help to Define and Recognize Clinical Excellence at Johns Hopkins

Jane Weber Brubaker

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Marketers’ ability to grow market share and promote patient loyalty is intricately and inextricably linked with what actually happens when patients receive treatment. Patients expect clinical expertise as a baseline. It’s the way they are treated that defines the relationship and either forges a bond or drives patients online Read More