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Leverage the Power of “Big Synergy” In Your Health Care Marketing

Peter Hochstein

A phenomenon you might call “big synergy” is powerful stuff. If you have the resources to somehow combine several strong elements of human interest seamlessly into one emotionally touching marketing and advertising campaign, each element can support, reinforce, and energize the others. This creates efficiencies of exposure and impact that eclipse most traditional advertising. And Read More

The Continued Importance of Print in Health Care Marketing

How do you get your news today? If the answer is mainly online, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, with fewer people reading printed newspapers and magazines than in past decades, you may be considering following the trend by ditching your health care organization’s printed material to focus your efforts solely on the digital side Read More

Marketing Your Hospital’s Maternity Services as a Luxury Item? Yes.

Jackson Memorial Hospital Logo

While Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida is a well-regarded teaching hospital with a Level 1 trauma center, there was a perception that its facilities were outdated—which was particularly problematic for the facility’s maternity services. “When you’re talking about organ transplants, the quality of the room you’re staying in is not one of the top three concerns,” Read More

From Urgent Care, to Managed Care, to “Thought Leadership,” Crystal Run Health Keeps Its Corner of the World Covered

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // This somewhat complicated story starts, at least for me, with a clever graphic trick on a highway billboard. The billboard displays the word “OOPS?” in an upward-slanted, rounded rectangle. And then the word “OUCH!” in a similar but downward-slanted rectangle. Adjacent to OOPS? and OUCH! is Read More

Powerful Storytelling Shifts Perceptions for New York Hospital

Mark Shipley, CEO and strategy director, Smith & Jones

“Every great brand has a story to tell,” says Mark Shipley. And “an emotional, honest brand story can change the perception of a hospital or health care organization, eliciting consumer engagement, employee alignment, and a unique competitive position,” he adds. Shipley is the CEO and Strategy Director of Smith & Jones, a health care marketing agency Read More

How To Build a Health Care Brand Post-Launch: The Next Phase of Promotion

Stacy Beers

“When a new brand takes hold as intended, one tough job is over—but another has already begun,” note Stacy Beers and Claire Hovis. “How soon is too soon to change gears from brand establishment to a new phase of promotion? Will new messages come across as mixed messages and muddy the clear impression you’ve worked Read More

How to Quickly Raise More Than $1 Million in Contributions to Your Hospital and Burnish Your Brand Image, Often with Advertising You Don’t Pay For

Peter Hochstein

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // All right, time to fess up. The headline above this story skips a few critical details. The campaign you’re going to read about had the voluntary participation and support of the New York Giants football team, and especially of its star quarterback Eli Manning. The players Read More

Turn the Page on Your Hospital’s Print Marketing Strategy

// By Lisa D. Ellis // How do you get your news today? If the answer is mainly online, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, with fewer people reading printed newspapers and magazines than in past decades, you may be considering following the trend by ditching your health care organization’s printed material to focus your Read More

Seattle Children’s Campaign Scores a Win Against Children’s Cancer

Strong Against Cancer

// By Lisa D. Ellis // Seattle Children’s recently scored a touchdown when it launched a new campaign called “Strong Against Cancer” to raise awareness and support for groundbreaking research that holds the potential to cure childhood cancer. Leading the play is Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, who has a personal connection to Seattle Children’s Read More

Are You Using the Power of Sound In Your Health Care Marketing?

Hospitals present more audio opportunities than do most brands, says Colleen Fahey, the U.S. Managing Director of audio branding agency Sixième Son. But most of the time, this opportunity is wasted: “Walk into the admissions area of a university hospital and you’ll hear the clatter of carts, the chatter of announcements, the buzz of phones Read More

Interview: Leveraging Corporate Success Strategies for Health Care

Lisa Stockmon

The corporate and health care sectors often talk in different languages and have different ways of doing business. But there are lessons from the business world that can translate well to the health care setting, especially when it comes to building a brand. Perhaps no one knows this better than Lisa Stockmon, the Chief Marketing Read More

Should You Sell Your Maternity Services Like a Resort?

For One Florida Hospital, It Was the Smart Way Out of a Marketing Conundrum. Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // For people trying to market the maternity services at Jackson Memorial Hospital, a huge institution in Miami, Florida, with more than 1,254 beds on its main campus alone, it must have felt Read More

Launching a Successful Hospital Rebrand After Merger of Opposites

St. Francis Hospital and Health Centers in Poughkeepsie, New York, wasn’t the first hospital to find itself drowning in a sea of financial troubles and it probably won’t be the last, notes veteran copywriter Peter Hochstein. Having filed for bankruptcy, “It was accepting bids for full acquisition from other hospitals,” recalls Barbara Kram, Senior Director, Read More

Franciscan Alliance To Women: “We Love You Just The Way You Are”

As one of the largest Catholic health systems in the Midwest, Franciscan Alliance recently decided to reach into its religious roots in an attempt to make a deeper connection with females in the local market and build up the women’s services line. The result is a unique marketing campaign for the health system’s women’s services Read More

How To Effectively Use Brand Journalism at Your Health Care Organization

Lisa Arledge Powell, President of MediaSource

“As a former TV reporter, I have had a unique chance to see multiple organizations and topics competing for media coverage in a crowded market,” says Lisa Arledge Powell, President of MediaSource, a content-focused health care public relations firm. “But in the past few years,” she says, “the growth of new media has opened up Read More

How To Carve Out a Unique and Compelling Niche for Your Health Care Facility

Lisa Stockmon, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at City of Hope

What do you get when you mix science, soul, and miracles? At City of Hope, an independent biomedical research institution and comprehensive cancer center near Los Angeles, these ingredients are the recipe for second chances. And the sum is certainly bigger than the parts. “City of Hope’s mission is to cure cancer, diabetes, and other Read More

At Lafayette General Medical Center, Advertising-Driven Patient Traffic Goes Up, Up, Up. But Media Spending? That’s Down.

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // There’s nothing new about testimonial advertising campaigns for hospitals, right? Well, not so fast. Sometimes factors ranging from how the testimonials are executed, to the community where they’re broadcast, to even the media strategy, can make a striking difference. A case in point, the testimonial campaign Read More