Digital Marketing and Analytics

Referral Patterns Can Point a Path To Success

Tampa General Hospital

Close examination of your referral patterns may bring to light some surprising gaps in your current practices that could be impacting your revenues. That was recently the case at Tampa General Hospital (TGH), says Katie Alexander, director of physician relations at TGH. But once her organization identified the problem using a Physician Relationship Management (PRM) Read More

Physician Relations: The Secret to Keeping Patients in Your Network

Katie Alexander, Tampa General Hospital

// By Lisa D. Ellis // Close examination of your referral patterns may bring to light some surprising gaps in your current practices that could be impacting your revenues. That was recently the case at Tampa General Hospital (TGH), says Katie Alexander, director of physician relations at TGH. But once her organization identified the problem Read More

Population Health + CRM: A Winning Formula for Behavior Change

[Webinar on Demand]

Sponsored by ndp

This event is free for members of Strategic Health Care Marketing to view thanks to our event sponsor.

Your Presenters:

  • Susan Dubuque, principal and co-founder, ndp
  • James Colvin, marketing analytics lead, ndp
  • Katie Mardigian, transplant outreach coordinator, Hume-Lee Transplant Center, VCU Health

Duration: 60 Minutes

Susan Dubuque, James Colvin, Katie Mardigian

In today’s health care environment, the only thing we can really count on is CHANGE, and one of the most potentially transformative changes is the reorientation from delivering acute care to managing the health of populations.

One essential element of any population health effort is changing behaviors, and who is better qualified to inform, educate and persuade people to modify their behavior than a health care marketing professional?

But as health care marketers, it is imperative that our roles evolve. Our focus needs to expand beyond market development and promotion to include a leadership role at the population health table. Understanding behavior change—and how technology helps to facilitate it—is key.

Watch this webinar and gain an understanding of behavior change theory and see how you can practically deploy a population health strategy through customer relationship management (CRM) campaigns.

You’ll learn:

  • How to apply the “Stages of Change” model of behavior change to your health care marketing
  • How the model can be put into practical use through CRM
  • How to effectively measure the outcomes of behavior change campaigns
  • The leadership role marketing can play in a health care organization’s population health efforts

Plus, you’ll hear a case study about how VCU Health used CRM, working with ndp on creative, and with Evariant as their CRM provider partner, to identify people with an existing medical diagnosis, and engage them in behavior change to prevent further medical deterioration.

View now »

Beneath the Surface Frivolity of UCHealth Ads That Promote the Denver Broncos, There’s a Strong Dose of Marketing Horse Sense

Peter Hochstein

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // Intuitively, you’d probably think that advertising for UCHealth should reflect nothing but gravitas. After all, it’s a 1,620-bed Colorado health care system with seven campuses (and three more under construction as of this writing), more than 2.5 million annual outpatient visits, and the University of Colorado’s Read More

Social Media Rules: Think Before You Share — or Risk a HIPAA Violation

Jay Hodes, founder and president of Colington Consulting

Recent Case with Financial Payout Underscores Risks of Noncompliance // By Lisa D. Ellis // How can you make sure your organization’s formal social media sharing doesn’t violate HIPAA regulations? A privacy expert offers advice on how to avoid shooting yourself in the foot when marketing via social channels. He also points to a new Read More

How To Create Content That Turns Leads Into Patients

Susan Gullion, associate director of search engine marketing at Sequence Health

“The health care sector lacks the rich marketing history of industries like retail or automotive, but today’s patients are more empowered than ever and the behaviors they display when seeking health care services or products largely mirror their shopping journeys for apparel, electronics, or any other household product,” says Susan Gullion, associate director of search Read More

Creating Content Marketing That Converts Consumers Into Patients

Susan Gullion, associate director of search engine marketing at Sequence Health

// By Susan Gullion // The health care sector lacks the rich marketing history of industries like retail or automotive, but today’s patients are more empowered than ever and the behaviors they display when seeking health care services or products largely mirror their shopping journeys for apparel, electronics, or any other household product. That is Read More

How Gen X and Boomers Shop for Health Care

Ken Robbins, CEO of Response Mine Interactive

“Much has been written about marketing health care products and services to millennials, and for good reason,” says Ken Robbins, CEO and founder of digital agency Response Mine Interactive. “Since millennials are coming into disposable income and are extremely health-conscious, it makes good sense to understand how to reach them. But marketers cannot afford to Read More

How Cook Children’s Health System Fights Back Against Child Abuse

Center for Children's Health led by Cook Children's

// By Lisa D. Ellis // The faces of two beautiful toddlers practically jump off the Star Telegram’s website, their vibrant expressions and sparkling eyes captured so clearly on the screen that it’s hard to believe that both of these youngsters are no longer living. Tragically, these children—who did not know each other but are Read More

Gen X Is All Grown Up: Meet the Patients Driving Health Care Consumerism

Ken Robbins, CEO of Response Mine Interactive

// By Ken Robbins // Much has been written about marketing health care products and services to millennials, and for good reason. Since millennials are coming into disposable income and are extremely health-conscious, it makes good sense to understand how to reach them. But marketers cannot afford to overlook other generations. More focus should be Read More

Beyond Testimonials: A Fresh Way To Advertise Your Expertise

Peter Hochstein

“If you’ve been involved with hospital advertising for a while, you’ve probably seen it all,” observes Peter Hochstein, veteran copywriter and SHCM contributor. “Touching testimonials from patients telling what a hospital’s doctors did for them. Doctors explaining how they collaborated on a medical breakthrough. Pictures galore of high-tech tools, people in surgical masks, MRI images Read More

Is There a Fresh Way Left to Advertise That Your Hospital Is in the Front Lines of Medical Science? Here’s a Surprisingly Engaging One from Galveston, Texas

Peter Hochstein

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // If you’ve been involved with hospital advertising for a while, you’ve probably seen it all. Touching testimonials from patients telling what a hospital’s doctors did for them. Doctors explaining how they collaborated on a medical breakthrough. Pictures galore of high-tech tools, people in surgical masks, MRI Read More

What To Do When a Blogging Doctor Goes Off-Message

Physician-contributed writing provides a great way to provide thought leadership and to share your medical staff members’ expertise more broadly. It can also help to personalize your organization and make a deeper connection with patients. But it’s essential that any staff-contributed writing goes through a defined editorial process that ensures the content accurately represents your Read More

Tips From Google for Driving Patient Traffic To Your Doors

It probably comes as no surprise that in 2017, people are relying on smartphones more than ever before. And most of them go beyond using these devices to make calls, send texts, and check their emails. They also go mobile to search for information, find services in their neighborhoods, and get directions. This trend has Read More

Case Study: Work Smarter, Not Harder, on Your Marketing Efforts

Henry Ford Health System Logo

Industrialist Henry Ford (1863-1947) manufactured the first affordable mass-produced car in the early 1900s, striving to improve the quality of life for many middle-class Americans. Now a full century later, the Henry Ford Health System is following his tradition by strengthening its marketing efforts to reach residents from all walks of life in the greater Read More

How Henry Ford Uses Technology to Drive Its Messages to a Growing Audience

Henry Ford Health System Logo

// By Lisa D. Ellis // Industrialist Henry Ford (1863-1947) manufactured the first affordable mass-produced car in the early 1900s, striving to improve the quality of life for many middle-class Americans. Now a full century later, the Henry Ford Health System is following his tradition by strengthening its marketing efforts to reach residents from all Read More

Geomarketing: Target Customers Where They Live—Literally

Terrence Tucker, media supervisor at Response Mine Interactive

“When parents have children with fevers or a bout of stomach flu, whether they need a general practitioner or a specialist, they’ll generally look for doctors who are close to them,” observes Terrence Tucker, media supervisor at Response Mine Interactive. “Even if the need isn’t immediate and patients are just looking for a physical exam, Read More

Augusta University Health Gets Strategic To Improve Payer Mix

Augusta University Health System is no stranger to change. Over the past five years, it has undergone several rebranding campaigns and two consolidations. Yet through all of these fluctuations, one thing has remained the same: the need to find new and more efficient ways to improve its reputation and continue to grow market share. The Read More