Digital Marketing and Analytics

Communicating Employee Vaccine Mandates: A Formula for Success

Don Stanziano and Emile Lee

Geisinger Health has implemented communications for the organization’s employee vaccine mandate that have helped to increase compliance by 27% in just two months. Learn about the effective strategies marketing leaders developed that you can use at your organization.

A new Strategic Health Care Marketing webinar for health care marketers and strategists

Presented on November 10, 2021

Your Presenters:

  • Don Stanziano, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Geisinger Health
  • Emile Lee, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Geisinger Health

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Lessons from 11 Innovative Health Care Marketing Campaigns [Special Report]

Advertising Worth Noting

// By Peter Hochstein //

This exclusive SHCM special report is filled with real-life health care marketing success stories…from the best use of television ads, to innovative print campaigns, to smart radio spots and more.

Here, you’ll see what’s working well for other hospitals and health care facilities around the country so you can adapt the best work of others to your own marketing campaigns and boost your ROI. It’s an exciting time to be in the health care field, and we want to help you make the most of it.

Our goal for this report is to get the creative ideas flowing for your next successful campaign at your facility. I am confident you will come away with some new ways to present your unique offerings and strengths to your target market.

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Share of Care: A New Way to Think About Health Care Metrics

D.J. Sullivan, director, HSG Advisors

Measuring brand loyalty is a constant challenge for health care organizations. Marketing professionals use different measures to determine if they’re capturing patients throughout their health care journey. One of the parameters being used today is called Share of Care. Share of Care is a revenue-based measurement that gauges the health of the patient relationship, according Read More

Measuring the Health of the Patient Relationship

Eric Andreoli, director, HSG Advisors

// By Wendy Stark Healy // How much of a patient’s health care spending goes to your organization? And how much goes to your competitors? “Share of Care” is a revenue-based measurement that compiles multiple data points to give you the full picture. Measuring brand loyalty is a constant challenge for health care organizations. Marketing Read More

Strategic Health Care Marketing Monthly Update, Episode 3

In episode 3 of Strategic Health Care Marketing Video Update: a rebranding initiative – a high-performance ad campaign – a success story about getting public health information to hard-to-reach and historically underserved communities – 3 health systems lead on health equity, diversity, and inclusion – insights from senior health system executives who came from outside of health care – and viewpoints from 4 physician CEOs. Take a look at our latest stories.

How Can You Pivot to a Retail-First Mindset?

Annie Haarmann, head of strategy and consulting, healthcare and life science, Reputation

Consumer expectations have changed since the pandemic, and patients are shopping for health care much like they shop for retail goods. They want a seamless, Amazon-like digital experience and they expect to schedule an appointment, check in, pay a bill, or see a doctor virtually, all from a mobile device. Moreover, they pay attention to Read More

How Targeted Outreach Helps Bring Patients Back

CHI St. Vincent

Infectious-disease specialists are beginning to give the all-clear signal to bring patients and families back for routine care. But luring valued community members back to health care facilities is proving to be a communications challenge. Consciously or not, families have created their new normal, which may include telehealth instead of office visits, reducing the frequency Read More

How a Retail Mindset in Health Care Drives Patient Acquisition

Adeline Ashley, director of digital strategy and marketing communications, ProMedica

// By Marlene Kurban //  ProMedica has operations in 28 states. It saw huge improvements in key metrics after implementing a robust reputation management strategy at scale.  Consumer expectations have changed since the pandemic, and patients are shopping for health care much like they shop for retail goods. They want a seamless, Amazon-like digital experience Read More

Multiphase Campaign Seeks to Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations Among Adolescents

Donna Teach, Nationwide Children's

// By Brian Griffin // Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Ohio is leading the way in vaccinating children against COVID-19 with a multichannel campaign targeted at parents, physicians, and even adolescents themselves. The move comes after the Food & Drug Administration granted emergency approval to vaccinate 12- to 15-year-olds. The campaign is taking on even more Read More

Advanced Analytics Drive a Personalized Post-COVID Comeback

Bonnie Ward, market director of marketing and communications, CHI St. Vincent

// By Marcia Simon, APR // CHI St. Vincent in Little Rock, Arkansas isn’t waiting for customers to come back on their own. The health system is proactively reaching out to them, using sophisticated analytics to define the target audience with precision accuracy.  Infectious-disease specialists are beginning to give the all-clear signal to bring patients Read More

Strategic Health Care Marketing Monthly Update, Episode 2

SHCM Video Update, Episode 2

In episode 2 of Strategic Health Care Marketing Video Update: a rebranding initiative – a high-performance ad campaign – a success story about getting public health information to hard-to-reach and historically underserved communities – 3 health systems lead on health equity, diversity, and inclusion – insights from senior health system executives who came from outside of health care – and viewpoints from 4 physician CEOs. Take a look at our latest stories.

Healthcare Marketing & Physician Strategies Summit 2021: Preview

Chris Boyer, vice president, digital & marketing intelligence, Beth Israel Lahey Health

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // This year’s conference is October 6-8 in South Florida. If you want to rub elbows with top industry leaders and learn from the best, this is the place to be. Among all the health care marketing and strategy conferences that had to upend their plans for in-person events in Read More

Coming this Fall: A Return to the In-Person SHSMD Annual Conference

Lisa Hinkle, deputy director of education, Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD)

As COVID indicators in the U.S. continue on a positive trend and we ease back into normal life, the opportunity for industry colleagues to gather in person again has finally arrived with the Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) annual conference. This year, conference attendees have two options. SHSMD Connections will convene Read More

Lessons from Retail: How Health Care Can Win by Adapting to Changes in Consumer Behavior

Annie Haarmann and Adeline Ashley

Discover how ProMedica uses customer feedback and a digital-first approach to consumers to achieve stellar results across more than 400 facilities in 28 states.

A Strategic Health Care Marketing webinar for marketers, communicators, and strategists at hospitals, health systems, and physician groups

Your Presenters:

  • Annie Haarmann, Head of Strategy and Consulting, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Reputation
  • Adeline Ashley, Director of Digital Strategy and Marketing Communications, ProMedica

Learn how to harness the power of digital to deliver a more retail-like experience in a changing environment. You’ll see real-world examples and learn best practices from health care leaders and industry disruptors.

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Live from San Antonio — It’s SHSMD Connections 2021!

Jennifer Weiss Wilkerson, vice president and chief strategy officer at Sheppard Pratt and SHSMD board president

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Since the first major industry conference was canceled back in March 2020, we’ve missed out on the energy and vitality that a live conference generates. The 2021 fall conference season kicks off with SHSMD’s annual conference in September, with the option of attending virtually in October for those who Read More

What’s Next for Health Care Marketing Post-COVID?

Dalal Haldeman, PhD, chief executive officer, Haldeman Marketing, LLC

COVID forced organizations to adapt quickly. Communicators’ skills were essential in navigating the crisis, and marketing led the way, meeting the extraordinary demand for information. Over the past year-plus, health system marketing departments radically shifted their priorities. The question is: Which COVID-era changes actually moved the industry forward and should remain? Which strategic initiatives have Read More

Reshaping Marketing After COVID: What’s the New Normal?

Catherine Harrell, chief marketing officer, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System

// By Marlene Kurban // Top health system marketing executives weigh in on how COVID forced organizations to adapt quickly. Communicators’ skills were essential in navigating the crisis, and marketing led the way, meeting the extraordinary demand for information. Were greater flexibility and agility unexpected byproducts of a challenging year? Will they propel health care Read More

Health Systems Look Outside the Industry to Up Their Digital Marketing Game

Jim Nilson, senior director, digital marketing at UC Health

// By Jim Samuel // There is a common thought among health care marketers that the business lags years behind other industries regarding digital marketing and meeting consumer needs. Two health systems have brought in marketing executives from Disney and higher education to help them catch up. If you have been paying attention for the Read More

Adapting Event-Related Fundraising When the Event Is Cancelled

Boston Children's logo

Like every other health care operation, fundraising has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Foundations, trusts, and development departments have had to squeeze all the creative juices they could muster to tackle an unpredictable, unprecedented situation. Boston Children’s Hospital sets the bar high. Named the country’s #1 Pediatric Hospital by U.S. News & World Report for Read More

Fundraising Success at Boston Children’s Amid a Pandemic

Michael Bornhorst, associate vice president, corporate development, leadership giving and special events at Boston Children’s Hospital Trust

// By Marcia Simon, APR // When you have hundreds of runners raising money for you, and the Boston Marathon — usually held on the third Monday in April — gets canceled, how do you bounce back? Boston Children’s Hospital Trust, the pediatric hospital’s fundraising arm, found lots of ways to keep the donations flowing Read More

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