Case Study: Targeted Use of Digital Media by OB/GYN Practice Leads to Better Branding at Lower Costs
Word of mouth may help to build your brand over time—but sometimes advertising really helps get the ball rolling quickly.
Such was the case in and around Phoenix, Arizona, where Arizona OBGYN Affiliates (AOA), now the largest OB/GYN practice in Arizona, consolidated from several smaller practices in 2007. AOA soon found its future growth and prosperity depended partly on effective branding.
Dr. Monte Swarup, who is chairman of OB/GYN at Arizona’s Chandler Regional Medical Center as well as chairman of the AOA public relations committee, says branding not only attracts patients, but also helps build awareness and respect at health insurance companies with which AOA needs to negotiate.

Baby from the AOA Campaign
AOA and Quaintise, an advertising agency with offices in Los Angeles and Phoenix that handles AOA’s marketing program, discovered that while television and print advertising quickly helped establish awareness of the brand and drove people to the Internet to learn more, AOA could eventually spend less and get a better return on investment by moving its advertising largely into digital media.
The secret to success? Photos of babies, and lots of them. The campaign launched with advertising in print and a TV spot that directed viewers to AOA’s Web page in a final frame. Other communications vehicles included waiting room take-ones, online banner ads, a website, a Facebook page, email newsletters, a magazine, PR media placements and guerrilla marketing events such as a tie-in promotion with the Phoenix zoo.
But after only about nine months, the agency shifted AOA’s expenditures.
Find out where they shifted their spend—and discover more details about how AOA and Quaintise pulled off this successful campaign—in Peter Hochstein’s latest article: Small Budget, Big Clout: OB/GYN Group Enters the Advertising Fray with Narrow Targeting and Mixed Media Branding To Grow Their Business.
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey
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