A Cute Solution To A Common Health Care Marketing Challenge

August 20, 2015

breech copyA picture is worth a thousand words—and that’s especially true when you’re talking about adorable babies.

Premier Health, a multi-hospital southern Ohio health care system with 1,892 licensed beds and more than 868,000 annual outpatient visits, was looking for a fresh way to to reassure future moms that its health care system offers lots of birthing options and has lots of medical expertise—whether the moms turn out to have normal deliveries or deliveries with complications.

premier-health-logoInstead of taking some of the usual routes—recitations of facts about its medical staff and their credentials, pictures of high-tech facilities and equipment, or various moms offering testimonials, Premier Health opted for a more visual approach.

Its very effective TV spots highlight happy babies wearing onesies or caps that bear a printed word or phrase, each one implying a story about the hospital’s skills and facilities. The voice-over copy is soft-sell, letting the images do most of the talking.

“Every baby is unique,” an announcer says, “And so is every birth. Which is why so many new moms choose Premier Health. We offer access to a larger range of birthing options. And decades of experience helping women become mothers. So we have everything you need for your unique bundle of joy. Premier Health. Leading with care.”

Get the full details of this campaign from health care advertising guru Peter Hochstein’s most recent article: Think It’s Difficult Getting People to Read TV “Supers” Listing Medical Outcomes? Premier Health of Ohio Found a Cute Solution.

Best regards,
Matt Humphrey

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