Blueprint for Building Leaders in Health Care Communications

Jill McDonald Halsey, chief marketing and communication officer, Lawrence General Hospital

// By Jared Johnson // With the ever-changing nature of health care and communications today, the need for career guidance and professional development is stronger than ever. Programs like Emerging + Evolving Leaders by the New England Society for Healthcare Communications (NESHCo) give professionals new opportunities to gain the skills, relationships, and self-awareness needed to Read More

Telemedicine Can Solve Access Issues and Boost Market Share

Are your providers losing patients because of access issues? A robust telemedicine program that offers convenient care for patients is one way to protect market share. Our new article by Marcia Simon, APR, explores how telemedicine brings subspecialties to outlying communities. Here’s an excerpt: Most of Gundersen Health System’s patients live at least 25 miles Read More

How To Attract and Retain Top Nursing Talent

Kathy Selker, President, Northlich

Facing a nursing shortage projected to increase in coming years, hospitals need to know how to hire and retain top talent — and marketing has a key role in this critical objective. Here’s an excerpt from Kathy Selker‘s new article for us on this topic; Selker is the president and CEO of Northlich. Health care needs Read More

Optimal Marketing Enables the Right Provider Match

“Marketers charged with leading their health systems into the new era of consumerism understand the hard truth about regional markets: They are a zero-sum game,” says Tom White, CEO of Phynd Technologies. Here’s an excerpt from White’s new article for Strategic Health Care Marketing: Marketers and business teams must create and market new networks to Read More

Case Study: How One Hospital Survived a Ransomware Attack

The evening of January 11, 2018, Steve Long, president and CEO of Hancock Health and Hancock Regional Hospital, got a call he’s not likely to soon forget. “Our administrator on call had received a call from the lab. They said there is something wrong with our computers,” says Long. Not long after, the nursing staff Read More

Expressions of Rage? Or Inspirational Pep Talks? Whatever You Call Them, Hospital Ads with an Aggressive Stance Could Make Your Market Sit Up and Take Notice

Brad Fixler, vice president of marketing at University of Colorado Health

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // Fighting words and images may be just the thing some hospitals need to break through the miasma of inattention. In an upcoming issue of this publication, a fellow contributor, James A. Gardner, will write about a campaign for the Canadian pediatric hospital, Sick Kids. The campaign Read More

How Effective Is Your Provider Information Management Platform?

// By Tom White // Marketers charged with leading their health systems into the new era of consumerism understand the hard truth about regional markets: They are a zero-sum game. Every covered life gained is a win over the competition, and the stakes are high: CMS pegs healthcare spending per person at nearly $10,800 annually, Read More

BayCare Health’s Vision: Evidence-Based Design for Care Delivery

Jane Weber Brubaker

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Consumerism is driving all industries to innovate, and health care is no exception. The ideal state is a digitally enabled, frictionless consumer experience. But in a highly complex industry like health care that has traditionally operated with a command-and-control vs. consumer-centric mindset, it’s a massive change. Adding to the Read More

High-Tech Care Delivery Plus High-Touch Human Interaction

Ed Rafalski, senior vice president and chief strategy and marketing officer at BayCare Health System

Consumerism is driving all industries to innovate, and health care is no exception. The ideal state is a digitally enabled, frictionless consumer experience. But in a highly complex industry like health care that has traditionally operated with a command-and-control vs. consumer-centric mindset, it’s a massive change. Adding to the cultural challenges, the pain points on Read More

Marketing Hospitals to Nurses

Kathy Selker, President, Northlich

How Marketing Can Support Your Employer Brand // By Kathy Selker // Facing a nursing shortage projected to increase in coming years, hospitals need to know how to hire and retain top talent — and marketing has a key role in this critical objective. Health care needs in the U.S. are growing rapidly. Baby boomers Read More

Consumerism: 9 Factors Reshaping the Health Care Landscape

“Health consumerism continues to revolutionize the health care industry,” says Ken Robbins, founder and president of Response Mine Interactive (RMI). “The days when patients blindly followed their doctors’ recommendations — often without a single question asked — are long gone. Today, physicians and health care organizations face a much more engaged and empowered population. Patients are playing Read More

A High-Touch Health Care Marketing Success Story

Terri Hanlon-Bremer, vice president of employer solutions, TriHealth

“In the occupational medicine business, quality service delivery is the differentiator,” says Terri Hanlon-Bremer, vice president of employer solutions at TriHealth in Cincinnati. “If a company is not happy with your service, they will quickly change to another provider.” Health care marketers are always looking for new ways to reach consumers through social media platforms, Read More

How To Stand Out in a Crowded Subspecialty

Mark Kriegsman, senior director of marketing communications and strategy, Orthopaedic Institute for Children

Pediatric hospitals and other facilities that treat children face a number of marketing challenges that health providers treating adults do not face. The two most significant barriers health care marketers must overcome are that they are marketing to parents, not the actual potential patient, and that parents do not want to think about children being Read More

Health Consumerism — 9 Trends to Watch

// By Ken Robbins // Health consumerism continues to revolutionize the health care industry. The days when patients blindly followed their doctors’ recommendations — often without a single question asked — are long gone. Today, physicians and health care organizations face a much more engaged and empowered population. Patients are playing by a different set Read More

How To Land Top Talent in a Hot Job Market

Marc Cenedella, founder and CEO of Ladders

When Strategic Health Care Marketing caught up with Marc Cenedella, founder and CEO of Ladders, a popular high-end career website, he reiterated what we first heard last spring: “It’s the greatest market in 50 years.” “Job candidates don’t have the time of day,” he says. “They’re very busy. People have three or four conversations going, Read More

Hot Job Market Flips Traditional Hiring on Its Head

Tysen Kendig, vice president of communications, University of Connecticut

// By Wendy Stark Healy // Tysen Kendig, vice president of communications for the University of Connecticut, was recently hiring an assistant vice president for health marketing at UConn Health and noticed a much stronger applicant pool. Unlike past searches, he wasn’t getting a handful of good people mixed with marginally qualified applicants and those Read More

Edward M. Rafalski and Kathy Selker Join Editorial Advisory Board of Strategic Health Care Marketing

Ed Rafalski and Kathy Selker

The Strategic Health Care Marketing Editorial Advisory Board is made up of leaders in the health care marketing field who are committed to shaping the future of the industry. They offer ongoing feedback on our editorial coverage, write occasional articles, and point us to developments and people SHCM members like you should know about. I am very pleased to announce that Edward M. Rafalski, Ph.D., MPH, FACHE, and Kathy Selker have joined this elite group.

Pediatric Orthopedics Leverages Sports Medicine to Reach Parents

Mark Kriegsman, senior director of marketing communications and strategy, Orthopaedic Institute for Children

// By Sheryl S. Jackson // Treatment for musculoskeletal conditions in children is a subspecialty within a subspecialty. How do you stand out in a highly competitive field? Los Angeles-based Orthopaedic Institute for Children has achieved success using its Sports Medicine Center and community outreach to extend brand and name recognition. Pediatric hospitals and other Read More

Direct, Personal Approach to Marketing Works for Occupational Medicine Programs

Sheryl S. Jackson

// By Sheryl S. Jackson // “In the occupational medicine business, quality service delivery is the differentiator,” says Terri Hanlon-Bremer, vice president of employer solutions at TriHealth in Cincinnati. “If a company is not happy with your service, they will quickly change to another provider.” TriHealth has found that good old-fashioned face-to-face relationship building is Read More

The Key Components of an Effective Health Care Marketing Plan

Health Care Marketing Plans That Work - book cover

If you’ve ever had a physician demand a billboard that wasn’t in your budget — and who hasn’t? — you can attest to the value of a well-constructed marketing plan. It gives you a blueprint to guide your marketing activities throughout the year, and arms you to defend against misguided requests. What are the components Read More

How to Develop a Marketing Plan That Works

David Marlowe

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // If you’ve ever had a physician demand a billboard that wasn’t in your budget — and who hasn’t? — you can attest to the value of a well-constructed marketing plan. It gives you a blueprint to guide your marketing activities throughout the year, and arms you to defend against Read More

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