Are You Focusing Adequately on Baby Boomers?

Daniel Fell, senior strategist, Optum
“Not that many years ago, you would commonly find ‘senior services’ programs in almost every hospital across the country,” says Daniel Fell, a senior strategist at Optum.
“But somewhere along the way, despite the demographic trends confronting the health care industry that clearly point to a seismic shift among the health care population — mainly the fact that there are now more than 10,000 baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) turning 65 years of age every day — the industry lost its focus on ‘seniors’ as a key stakeholder audience. Instead, perhaps caught up in a millennial craze, the health care industry turned its attention toward younger audiences.”
Fell thinks this is shortsighted. Here’s an excerpt from his new article:
[T]he baby boom generation will, by all accounts, redefine the health care industry for the next few decades. This generation will begin to use health care services in greater volume than even the generation that preceded it. And this generation will have the most consumer-centric mindset of any U.S. health care population before them — more price sensitive, more quality conscious, and more customer service aware. This may very well be the most defining generation of true health care “shoppers” that the industry has ever encountered.So what should health care provider organizations do to seize this demographic tidal wave of opportunity today? Mainly, how should hospitals and health care delivery systems think about serving the growing “senior” population, particularly as it relates to technology and digital connectivity within health care? How can health systems better leverage data and technology to meet the needs of consumers and caregivers who will be using health care services at the highest rate over the next several decades?
Read the full article now and find out:
The Silver Tsunami: 6 Strategies to Seize the Tidal Wave of Opportunity
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey
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