Brand Awareness

Aligning Advertising and Organizational Purpose Through One Mission


Nearly every health system has a mission statement, and most are a version of “meeting the health needs of the community.” But bringing a mission to life — truly operationalizing it — is a different matter. // By Susan Dubuque // Health care marketing budgets have declined significantly in the past year, and marketing leaders Read More

Advertising Showcase: Northwell Health’s “Resolutions” 2023 Holiday Campaign

Susan Dubuque NDP

Welcome to the first Strategic Health Care Marketing Advertising Showcase. Each month, we feature challenges, tactics, and outcomes of a multimedia advertising campaign — offering you strategic and creative insights from some of the nation’s leading hospitals, health systems, and health-related organizations. // By Susan Dubuque // Opportunity This past holiday season, the Northwell Health Read More

Children’s Hospital Colorado’s “Miraculous Everyday” Campaign Designed to Increase Brand Awareness, Showcase Innovation and Compassion

Cheryl L. Serra

Medical experts collaborated with the marketing team to showcase complex procedures that change lives. // By Cheryl L. Serra // Being in the middle of the western half of the United States — between well-known East and West Coast medical facilities — presented Children’s Hospital Colorado with a marketing challenge. In addition to making potential Read More

Should You Spend Your Media Budget on Branding or Acquisition?

Jerry Hobbs, president and chief strategy officer at Prairie Dog

MultiCare’s CEO believes brand-building is the key to sustainable growth, and that it supports acquisition. It’s not either-or; it’s both-and.  // By Jane Weber Brubaker // Health care marketers are sometimes on the defensive when proposing budgets to their CEOs and CFOs, feeling the pressure to justify the expense and project the expected return on Read More

How to Navigate Today’s Fragmented Health Care Media Landscape

Kara Rozek, VP, media, SPM Marketing & Communications

Today’s health care media landscape is drastically different from the era of print magazine ads and TV spots. It is now characterized by a fragmented array of channels and diverse media formats, which has made media planning more complex than ever. Do you recall what media buys looked like five, 10, or even 20 years Read More

Meeting the Right People at the Right Time in a Fragmented Media Universe

Melanie Graham

Today’s media landscape is a far cry from the days of print magazine ads and TV spots. It’s fragmented across countless channels and media formats, making media planning more complex than ever. We sat down with Kara Rozek, VP, media at SPM Marketing & Communications, to learn how health care marketers can adapt to today’s Read More

Post Health System Brands: The Future of Health Care Marketing?

Chris Bevolo, chief brand officer, Revive

Welcome to a new age of “Post Health System Brands.” This is another way of saying that moving a brand beyond the product offered to deeper meaning is now expected by consumers as well as by the workforce and the communities where they live, work, and play. Health system brands have been built the same Read More

Raising Louisiana’s Health Esteem

John Marzano

Health system brands have been built the same way for 40 years, with a focus on self-promotion: If you get sick, we’re the absolute best to treat you and get you on the road to recovery. But if the past two-plus years have taught us anything, it’s that this approach may no longer be enough Read More

What is the Role of Marketing in Driving Growth for a Health Care Organization?

Sandra Mackey, Chief Marketing Officer, Bon Secours Mercy Health

“Growth means different things to different organizations at different times,” says Daniel Fell of Optum. “One thing is very clear, though. The role of marketing has never been more critical.” Here’s an excerpt from Fell’s new article: We recently turned to several leading health care marketers across the country, representing a variety of health care Read More

How To Take the Lead in Strategic Discussions With Senior Leaders

Jennifer Horton, vice president of strategy, Ten Adams

For many senior leaders of health care organizations, adapting to constant changes in the COVID landscape for the past two years has been all-consuming. Yet refocusing on strategic priorities is essential for organizations to move forward. Marketers can play a pivotal role in making that happen by facilitating brief and focused meetings with senior administrators Read More

Why Health Systems Must Manage and Accelerate Growth Going Forward

“Growth is important for every organization,” says Daniel Fell of Optum. “Whether it’s for-profits or not-for-profits, start-ups or established market leaders, every business depends on some level of growth to succeed in the near term. Growth is also essential to long-term sustainability, especially when navigating dynamic markets and overcoming unforeseen market disruptions.” Here’s an excerpt Read More

The Growth Imperative and Why Marketing Must Lead

Daniel Fell, marketing consultant and senior strategist at Optum

// By Daniel Fell // Growth is far from one-dimensional and shouldn’t be thought of in terms of new patients and new revenue only. Growth is important for every organization. Whether it’s for-profits or not-for-profits, start-ups or established market leaders, every business depends on some level of growth to succeed in the near term. Growth Read More

Social Media Initiative Focuses on Positioning Advocate Aurora Health As a Provider of Choice Among Growing Hispanic Market

Sarah Scroggins, director, social media, Advocate Aurora Health

// By Brian Griffin // One of the Midwest’s largest health systems is effectively using social media to reach its Spanish-speaking population with information about COVID-19 and important health services for the community. As diversity, equity, and inclusion continue to increase in importance, Advocate Aurora Health has been making strong progress in connecting online with Read More

Johns Hopkins Medicine Leveraged Positive Momentum to Drive Repositioning

During the past two years of a pandemic that continues to rage, health care brands have absorbed the additional burden of managing their reputations in the throes of unprecedented consumer demand for needed services to counter COVID-19 within their communities. Hospitals and health systems across the U.S., including Johns Hopkins Medicine, have overwhelmingly answered the Read More

Johns Hopkins Medicine — Positioning Brand Beyond the Product

Suzanne Sawyer, SVP, chief marketing and communications officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine

// By John Marzano // In the middle of a pandemic, with the world tuning in daily to view the latest alarming statistics on infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, Johns Hopkins Medicine launched a new brand campaign centered on hope, connection, and progress. During the past two years of a pandemic that continues to rage throughout Read More

How To Build an Extraordinary Patient Experience Program


“Truly exceptional patient experience programs thrive at the intersection of culture, engagement, and experience,” says Sally Mildren of Boss Lady Consulting. “This has played out in study after study by Monigle, PwC, McKinsey, Medallia, and many others. Good experience equals growth — in revenue, reputation, loyalty, satisfaction, and employee engagement. “Yet inconsistent consumer experiences, misaligned Read More

Patient Experience + Brand + Culture = Growth

Sally Mildren, CEO and managing partner of Boss Lady Consulting, LLC

// By Sally Mildren // For patient experience to be successful, it must be woven into the culture, expressed through your brand and marketing, and demonstrated first and foremost to your employees.  Truly exceptional patient experience programs thrive at the intersection of culture, engagement, and experience. This has played out in study after study by Read More