Johns Hopkins Medicine — Positioning Brand Beyond the Product
// By John Marzano //
In the middle of a pandemic, with the world tuning in daily to view the latest alarming statistics on infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, Johns Hopkins Medicine launched a new brand campaign centered on hope, connection, and progress.
During the past two years of a pandemic that continues to rage throughout this country today, health care brands have absorbed the additional burden of managing their reputations in the throes of unprecedented consumer demand for needed services to counter COVID-19 within their communities.

Suzanne Sawyer, SVP, chief marketing and communications officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Hospitals and health systems across the U.S., including Johns Hopkins Medicine, have overwhelmingly answered the call to care for those in need.
Yet, in all this daily firestorm, Suzanne Sawyer, SVP, chief marketing and communications officer, along with the team at Johns Hopkins, believed it was critically important to revisit and validate brand purpose and position for the organization at a time of great public uncertainty.
“I’m reminded of a quote from Raja Rajamannar, CMO at Mastercard, who said an increasing number of employees only want to work in purpose-driven organizations,” she says. “He also believes with certainty that consumers now expect more, so brands that embrace the power of purpose to blend their core business with something greater than themselves will win the day.”