AI in Health Care: 4 Things to Consider for Your Future Content

March 23, 2023

You get into work, grab your coffee, boot up your computer, and look at your to-do list for the day. The one and only thing you’ve left for yourself on the to-do list is the thing you’ve been putting off for days — weeks even: Write that blog on the dangers of high blood pressure.

Rachael Sauceman is director of strategy for Full Media

Rachael Sauceman

Now instead, imagine that your process looks like this:

You open a browser and go to your favorite AI platform, like the buzzy ChatGPT, which has recently become a media sensation, leading to a multibillion-dollar investment from Microsoft. You type in a series of questions for ChatGPT to answer:

  • What is high blood pressure?
  • How do I know if I have high blood pressure?
  • Why is high blood pressure dangerous?
  • How do I treat high blood pressure?

The AI writes back cogent answers that follow widely held understandings of high blood pressure, a common condition. In mere minutes, you have a 1,000-word blog. Maybe you even go the extra mile: You ask the AI to rewrite the content in layperson’s terms to bring the reading age down a little, making sure it’s fully accessible.

But can AI really replace the style, knowledge, and judgment of a human writer? Or understand the nuances of language? Does it have to be either/or, or are tools like ChatGPT another technology tool that smart marketers can use to their advantage? What guardrails should we all put around AI to use it responsibly?

In a new article, Rachael Sauceman offers four considerations for all health care content — AI-generated or not — that may help you set your guardrails.

Read the full article here: Four Questions to Ask Before Using AI-Generated Content in Health Care

Best regards,
Matt Humphrey