5 Key Stops on Your Patients’ Decision-Making Journey

Stephen Moegling, chief growth officer of Franklin Street
The journey to selecting a health care system is not unlike the way people decide to buy a car, book a vacation destination, or hire a plumber. In fact, the basic consumer journey model can be adapted to almost any industry, according to Stephen Moegling, chief growth officer at Franklin Street, a health care brand consultancy in Richmond, Virginia.
“We asked ourselves how we could improve on the consumer model for health care, since health care is complex in how people make decisions,” he says, adding that knowing how people decide when and where they will access health care can be crucial to identifying the places where your organization intersects with your patients’ experiences.
Learn how to break the decision-making process into five concrete steps to see the potential that exists on the patient journey path and determine where your efforts will have the most impact:
Write Your Own Ending: 5 Plot Points in Your Patients’ Journey Stories You Shouldn’t Ignore
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey
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