Internal Communications: 8 Lessons to Align Your Employee-Focused Content with Your Health Care Organization’s Mission
// By Lisa D. Ellis //
When is the last time you received from your employer an email or text so enticing you wanted to open it right away? Most likely, the answer is “never.”
That’s because most employee communications are talking at you or providing you with information they want you to have, but they somehow miss the boat entirely when it comes to including you in the conversation.
Meeting Changing Needs
While many health care marketers have leveraged digital channels and tools to improve communication with patients, they’ve not done so for employees. In 2018, marketers need to think more strategically about how to use the latest technology and approaches to engage employees and, in turn, to encourage them to provide the highest level of care to patients.
The most effective employee communications efforts today go beyond transactional interactions to provide a broader strategic framework that engages their employees and helps them navigate the rapidly shifting priorities in the marketplace, according to Ben Texter, co-founder of Digital Health Strategies. He recently shared his insights on how to improve marketing efforts to employees during a presentation at the Healthcare Marketing and Physician Strategies Summit.
Coordinating Messages Among Multiple Locations Effectively

Terri McNorton, chief marketing communications officer at Bon Secours Health System
Texter was joined by Terri McNorton, chief marketing communications officer at Bon Secours Health System, the eighth-largest Catholic health system in the U.S. Bon Secours is in the midst of a merger with Mercy Health System in Ohio that will create an $8 billion system with 43 hospitals spread out over six states.
McNorton and Texter share eight lessons learned through trial and error at Bon Secours and elsewhere that can help other organizations wanting to ramp up their efforts with internal marketing.