Successful Health Care Marketing: Lessons from the Savanna

Dan Fredricks
Neuroscientific research is helping marketers better understand how to reach the inner recess of our audience’s brain, which, because it has been evolving for millennia, still makes decisions better suited for survival on the savannas of Africa than in today’s world of modern health care, according to health care marketing consultant Dan Fredricks. Understanding the subtle nuances of neuroscience—and the evolutionary-biased brain—will provide the knowledge to better craft our marketing messaging for maximum effectiveness.
“[N]ew empirical evidence identifies the methods best suited for laying the optimal foundation to influence our target audiences,” says Fredricks. “Thanks to advances in neuroscience, we now know more about how the brain controls human behavior and the decision-making process. This research provides valuable marketing insights that, until recently, have been unknown and should be the first tools out of our marketing toolbox when building our messaging foundation.”
In our new story, Fredricks discusses three pillars of successful health care marketing that are supported by neuroscience. They “[unlock] the secrets of marketing to the primal mind in the modern world,” he says.
For details of the three pillars, as well as suggestions for putting this powerful research into action at your facility, read the full article now: The 3 Pillars of Successful Health Care Marketing; Lessons from Recent Neuroscience.
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey
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