How to Turn Current Health Care Delivery “Disruption” Into Opportunities

// By Craig Allan Ahrens // The health care field is in a state of constant disruption today, with mounting competition coming from many outside sectors. But the time is also ripe for health systems that understand the current marketplace to capitalize on growing opportunities to position themselves as leaders in offering enhanced convenience, increasing Read More

How Marketing Can Help with Population Health Efforts

Susan Dubuque, principal at NDP Agency

When the powerhouse brands of Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMorgan Chase recently pooled resources to form a new independent health care delivery system to serve 1 million collective employees, an entire industry took notice. While lots of questions remain as to how the company will operate, one thing is clear: The health care industry has Read More

Leverage Current Events To Promote Your Health Care Organization’s Offerings

Wonder Movie Poster

When the movie Wonder was released in fall 2017, sharing the fictional story of a fifth-grader named Auggie coping with a facial difference called Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS), Dayton Children’s Hospital saw this as an exciting opportunity to raise awareness about groundbreaking treatments offered for children with TCS through its own Craniofacial Center. “We do Read More

National Happenings Open the Door to Promote Dayton Children’s Local Offerings

Dayton Children’s Logo

// By Lisa D. Ellis // When the movie Wonder was released in fall 2017, sharing the fictional story of a fifth-grader named Auggie coping with a facial difference called Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS), Dayton Children’s Hospital saw this as an exciting opportunity to raise awareness about groundbreaking treatments offered for children with TCS through Read More

Using “Real” Staff to Deliver Your Video Messages? Here’s How to Make the Messages More Engaging

Peter Hochstein

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // Any number of hospitals post videos on the internet featuring their doctors and other staff discussing their institutions and specialties. Too often, these standup “talking head” presentations feel unspontaneous and uncomfortable. Eyes shift nervously as speakers obviously read from cue cards. Language that looked good on Read More

4 Keys to Designing a Successful Secret-Shopper Strategy

Steven Maskell, chief client officer and partner at SeeLevel HX

// By Lisa D. Ellis // It’s no coincidence that people who like the Apple brand tend to be loyal customers, keeping all of their technology purchases within the Apple family. This is because Apple goes to great lengths to ensure its customers always have a very positive, consistent experience in stores, online, and by Read More

Looking To Boost Your Health Care Brand? Consider Audio.

The Scope - University of Utah Health Radio - Logo

Have you incorporated audio content in your health care communications strategy? If not, you could be missing an opportunity to engage prospective patients who live in your service communities, and to position your organization as a leader to referring physicians across the country. While some health systems dabble in producing radio content and developing podcasts Read More

Strong Audio Strategy Can Boost Your Health Care Brand in New Ways

Kathy Wilets, director of media relations and content, University of Utah Health

// By Lisa D. Ellis // Have you incorporated audio content in your health care communications strategy? If not, you could be missing an opportunity to engage prospective patients who live in your service communities, and to position your organization as a leader to referring physicians across the country. Learn how one health system leads Read More

Children’s Hospital Advertising Campaign Targets “Compassionate Moms”

Donna Teach, Nationwide Children's

“Sorry, family health care decision-making moms, ages 20-something to about 50. For once, you’re not the specific target of a children’s hospital advertising campaign,” says veteran copywriter and frequent SHCM contributor Peter Hochstein. “Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, with 618 licensed and leased beds and 1.4 million patient visits annually, has been running a Read More

Omaha Hospital Celebrates Its Storied Past in New Marketing Campaign

Jenni Stoll, senior director of marketing for Methodist Health System

What’s old is new again at Methodist Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. Methodist recently celebrated its 125th anniversary, and this milestone provided a valuable opportunity for the health system to build on its past to position itself for the future. While most health care systems pride themselves on being ahead of the curve when it comes Read More

Genomics Creates Strong Market Niche for One Health System

Geisinger Health System is on the cutting edge when it comes to precision medicine, and its capacity in this area has proven to be a strong market differentiator. As an integrated community health system serving areas of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Geisinger has long been known for its patient-centered focus and innovative approach to caring Read More

Doing Hospital Fundraising? Meet Your Latest Target: “Compassionate Moms”

Peter Hochstein

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // Sorry, family health care decision-making moms, ages 20-something to about 50. For once, you’re not the specific target of a hospital advertising campaign. But then, Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, with 618 licensed and leased beds and 1.4 million patient visits annually, has been running Read More

Make Seniors a Focus of Your Marketing Strategy

“There are three unmistakable truths,” says Paul Gauthier, founder and chief executive officer of MedicareCompareUSA. “The first truth is that approximately 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day, making Medicare recipients the fastest-growing segment of the American population. The confluence of aging baby boomers, better lifestyle habits, and incredible advances in pharmaceuticals has resulted in 41.5 Read More

The Importance of Being More Strategic in Attracting and Retaining Seniors

// By Paul Gauthier // There are three unmistakable truths. The first truth is that approximately 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day, making Medicare recipients the fastest-growing segment of the American population. The confluence of aging baby boomers, better lifestyle habits, and incredible advances in pharmaceuticals has resulted in 41.5 million American seniors today. This Read More

Silicon Valley: Where You Can Call Potential Patients “Nerds”

Veteran copywriter and regular SHCM contributor Peter Hochstein suggests an interesting proposition: “Run some hospital advertising that flat out calls your potential patients nerds. Nah, come to think of it, that probably wouldn’t work, and might prompt some irate letters to your CEO. Well then, how about offering advice that sounds financial, and encourages people to ‘go Read More

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