
Why Health Systems Must Manage and Accelerate Growth Going Forward

“Growth is important for every organization,” says Daniel Fell of Optum. “Whether it’s for-profits or not-for-profits, start-ups or established market leaders, every business depends on some level of growth to succeed in the near term. Growth is also essential to long-term sustainability, especially when navigating dynamic markets and overcoming unforeseen market disruptions.” Here’s an excerpt Read More

The Growth Imperative and Why Marketing Must Lead

Daniel Fell, marketing consultant and senior strategist at Optum

// By Daniel Fell // Growth is far from one-dimensional and shouldn’t be thought of in terms of new patients and new revenue only. Growth is important for every organization. Whether it’s for-profits or not-for-profits, start-ups or established market leaders, every business depends on some level of growth to succeed in the near term. Growth Read More

Payviders Seek a Holistic Approach to Patient Well-Being

Wunderman Thompson

“In a health sector bombarded with labels such as InsurTech, HlthTech, FemTech, and AgeTech, it’s no surprise that confusion and mis-categorization run rampant,” says Lindsay Resnick, executive vice president of Wunderman Thompson Health. “And now there’s another category being promoted by consumer-centric health companies bringing a tightly integrated financial and clinical health care experience to Read More

Resurgence of the Payvider

Lindsay Resnick

// By Lindsay R. Resnick // A consumer-centric swimlane unites payers and providers around shared objectives. In a health sector bombarded with labels such as InsurTech, HlthTech, FemTech, and AgeTech, it’s no surprise that confusion and mis-categorization run rampant. And now there’s another category being promoted by consumer-centric health companies bringing a tightly integrated financial Read More

What’s Next for Health Care Marketing Post-COVID?

Dalal Haldeman, PhD, chief executive officer, Haldeman Marketing, LLC

COVID forced organizations to adapt quickly. Communicators’ skills were essential in navigating the crisis, and marketing led the way, meeting the extraordinary demand for information. Over the past year-plus, health system marketing departments radically shifted their priorities. The question is: Which COVID-era changes actually moved the industry forward and should remain? Which strategic initiatives have Read More

Reshaping Marketing After COVID: What’s the New Normal?

Catherine Harrell, chief marketing officer, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System

// By Marlene Kurban // Top health system marketing executives weigh in on how COVID forced organizations to adapt quickly. Communicators’ skills were essential in navigating the crisis, and marketing led the way, meeting the extraordinary demand for information. Were greater flexibility and agility unexpected byproducts of a challenging year? Will they propel health care Read More

Free Clinics and Health Systems: A Vital Partnership

Karen Dulaney, executive director of Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic

The Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic in Fredericksburg, Virginia is in a state-of-the-art building opened in 2007 on the campus of Mary Washington Healthcare. “I can see the hospital out my window,” says Karen Dulaney, executive director of the clinic. The strong connection between the hospital and the clinic is based on more than geography. Read More

The Case for Strong Partnerships Between Free Clinics and Health Systems

Xavier Richardson, senior vice president and chief development officer, and president, Mary Washington Hospital and Stafford Hospital Foundations

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // The Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic in Fredericksburg, Virginia is in a state-of-the-art building opened in 2007 on the campus of Mary Washington Healthcare. “I can see the hospital out my window,” says Karen Dulaney, executive director of the clinic. The strong connection between the hospital and the clinic Read More

How Partnerships Help ChristianaCare Keep Delaware Healthy

When Bettina Tweardy Riveros joined ChristianaCare as chief health equity officer in 2016, she assumed responsibility for engaging community stakeholders in partnerships that advance ChristianaCare’s vision for a healthy Delaware. According to Riveros, the guiding principles of building strong community partnerships can be summed up in the phrase “nothing about us, without us.” This method Read More

ChristianaCare Connects with Community Partners to Address Social Determinants of Health in Delaware

Ndome Yvonne Essoka

View from the C-Suite: Bettina Tweardy Riveros, Chief Health Equity Officer at ChristianaCare // By Ndome Yvonne Essoka // When Bettina Tweardy Riveros joined ChristianaCare as chief health equity officer in 2016, she assumed responsibility for engaging community stakeholders in partnerships that advance ChristianaCare’s vision for a healthy Delaware. According to Riveros, the guiding principles Read More

Laying the Groundwork for Value-Based Care

Andy Grimm, CEO of Northeast Missouri Health Council

One of the keys to success in preparation for value-based health reimbursement models is the use of technology to identify opportunities to close gaps in service, improve cost-effectiveness of treatments, improve outcomes, and enhance preventive care services. In Missouri, three Federally Qualified Health Centers serving more than 53 counties and 107,000 patients in mostly rural Read More

View From the C-Suite: Andy Grimm, CEO of Northeast Missouri Health Council

Sheryl S. Jackson

// By Sheryl S. Jackson // A newly formed alliance of three Federally Qualified Health Centers provides an example of how shared expertise and pooled resources are laying the groundwork for value-based care, with the ultimate goal of driving better outcomes and lower costs in Medicaid managed care contracts. One of the keys to success Read More

Value-Based Care: A Win-Win Integrated Approach

Jordan Pisarcik is vice president of growth and customer engagement at DocASAP

“Value-based care models are on the rise, and health care providers and payers are increasingly aligning to control costs while providing quality care,” says Jordan Pisarcik, vice president of growth and customer engagement at DocASAP. Here’s an excerpt from Pisarcik’s new article: According to a recent report by Humana, value-based care initiatives are proving to Read More

It’s Not Your Usual Hospital Advertising Target Audience. Or Message. Or Media Plan. So What is Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s Ad Campaign Up To?

Peter Hochstein

// By Peter Hochstein // Sometimes there’s more to hospital advertising than recruiting and reassuring patients. One thing’s fairly certain. When a hospital with facilities that are pretty much limited to the Boston area starts advertising in New York and other major metropolitan centers around the nation, they must be doing something other than trying Read More

View from the C-Suite with Dr. Tony Slonim, CEO of Renown Health

A vision for population health through community partnerships and innovation // By Jane Weber Brubaker // Under Dr. Tony Slonim’s leadership, Renown Health has forged strong connections with the community, acting as a catalyst for change. “If you want to improve the health of your community, engage the people who are most likely to be Read More

BayCare Health’s Vision: Evidence-Based Design for Care Delivery

Jane Weber Brubaker

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Consumerism is driving all industries to innovate, and health care is no exception. The ideal state is a digitally enabled, frictionless consumer experience. But in a highly complex industry like health care that has traditionally operated with a command-and-control vs. consumer-centric mindset, it’s a massive change. Adding to the Read More

High-Tech Care Delivery Plus High-Touch Human Interaction

Ed Rafalski, senior vice president and chief strategy and marketing officer at BayCare Health System

Consumerism is driving all industries to innovate, and health care is no exception. The ideal state is a digitally enabled, frictionless consumer experience. But in a highly complex industry like health care that has traditionally operated with a command-and-control vs. consumer-centric mindset, it’s a massive change. Adding to the cultural challenges, the pain points on Read More

Technology, Community are Keys to Solving Opioid Epidemic

“There are about 2.5 million people addicted to opioids, but only 10 to 20 percent of them get help,” says Andrey Ostrovsky, MD, chief medical officer at Solera Health (and former CMO of Medicaid). Solera Health is an “integrated health network” that “connects patients, providers, and physicians to a network of partners who are preventing Read More

Touchdown! Health System Teams with Sports Franchise for the Win

Jeff Sofka, founder and principal at Bendigo

Some of the latest headlines from top academic medical centers today seem more fitting for ESPN than for a health care brand. This is thanks to the fact that a growing number of organizations are signing increasingly complex and integrated agreements with NFL, MLB, and NBA teams. Just these past few months, landmark partnerships have Read More