Level Up and Lead Your Organization to Digital Transformation
University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) Health Creates a Coordinated Patient Experience with Persistent Cross-Functional Teamwork
// By John Marzano //
Incredible advances in health care over the past 20 years have dramatically improved patients’ outcomes and lives. Yet care remains difficult to access, expensive, inequitable, and falls short of consumer expectations despite advancements in clinical and digital technology.
In most industries, digital transformation is more than a simple buzzword. It’s a connected experience for customers looking for access, convenience, on-demand service, and an expected good outcome.
In health care, a two-plus-year pandemic accelerated the forces underlying these challenges, continuing to raise consumer expectations in an industry that historically struggles with real change for a better patient experience.

Aaron Neinstein, MD, vice president for digital health, UCSF Health
“We are in a precarious time in this industry, especially in academic medicine,” says Aaron Neinstein, MD, vice president for digital health at UCSF Health. “Health care has been slow to adopt changes common in other industries, leaving traditional health care systems ripe for disruption due to changes in consumer expectations, high costs, and ever-changing technology.”
Dr. Neinstein recently joined Sarah Sanders, chief marketing and brand experience officer at UCSF Health, to discuss how the organization is leveling up for digital transformation during a presentation held at the annual Health Care Marketing & Physician Strategies Summit (HMPS) in May in Salt Lake City.
“The new consumer reality is tied to on-demand care expectations. It’s what care I want, when and where I choose,” says Sanders, who joined UCSF within the past year. “This new expectation puts enormous pressure on marketing and operational budgets in need of addressing priorities to build a more holistic patient experience.”
To give patients a holistic experience may require some organizational restructuring. Read on to see how UCSF Health approached this challenge.