Think Like a Health Care Consumer to Increase Market Share
// By Wendy Stark Healy //
Want to increase your health care organization’s market share? Think like a consumer.
That’s the advice of Dan Clarin, CFA, senior vice president of Kaufman, Hall & Associates, a health care consulting, software, and data company.
Improving access to care, aligning price with value, and providing better patient experience are key to increasing market share, according to Clarin. Meeting consumer needs rather than those of your system will help health care organizations attract and retain patients. In a nutshell, be consumer-centric.

Dan Clarin, senior vice president of Kaufman, Hall & Associates
“If you can be the first in your market to do that in a meaningful way, it’s a great opportunity to grow,” he says.
Clarin, a leader in the firm’s strategic and financial planning practice focusing on consumer-centric strategies, discussed consumerism at a recent webinar offered by the Society for Health Care Strategy and Market Development of the American Hospital Association (SHSMD).
In his presentation, “Activity in Search of Strategy: How U.S. Hospitals and Health Systems Are Responding to Consumerism,” Clarin explains the ways consumers are shaping the state of health care. He also shares insights from Kaufman Hall’s “2018 State of Consumerism in Healthcare Report.”