How To Create Content That Turns Leads Into Patients

Susan Gullion, associate director of search engine marketing at Sequence Health
“The health care sector lacks the rich marketing history of industries like retail or automotive, but today’s patients are more empowered than ever and the behaviors they display when seeking health care services or products largely mirror their shopping journeys for apparel, electronics, or any other household product,” says Susan Gullion, associate director of search engine marketing at Sequence Health.
“That is to say, they are rabid information seekers who put a great deal of faith in authentic messages and will quickly abandon brands that fail to meet their expectations quickly and efficiently.
“And why wouldn’t they? They are aware of the many options at their disposal and are easily frustrated when faced with obstacles to the experiences that they seek. Modern patients place a higher value on selecting providers who meet their quality expectations, are available when and where they need it, and provide impeccable service throughout the entire journey.”
Read our new article and get Gullion’s take on how delivering valuable content can establish you as an authority and create a strong identity that converts leads into patients over time. Read it now:
Creating Content Marketing That Converts Consumers Into Patients
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey
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