Measuring the Health of the Patient Relationship
// By Wendy Stark Healy //
How much of a patient’s health care spending goes to your organization? And how much goes to your competitors? “Share of Care” is a revenue-based measurement that compiles multiple data points to give you the full picture.
Measuring brand loyalty is a constant challenge for health care organizations. Marketing professionals use different measures to determine if they’re capturing patients throughout their health care journey.

D.J. Sullivan, director, HSG Advisors
One of the parameters being used today is called Share of Care. Share of Care is a revenue-based measurement that gauges the health of the patient relationship, according to D.J. Sullivan, director at HSG Advisors, a national health care consulting firm based in Kentucky. Share of Care should be a health care system’s primary mode of measurement, Sullivan says.
Sullivan and his colleague Eric Andreoli, director at HSG Advisors, presented a webinar titled “Patient Share of Care: Measuring Patient Brand Loyalty” for the Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) on August 25.
Marketing leaders, they say, should understand how patients use their health care dollars, and seek detailed information on how services are used based on geography, service lines, and provider types.