
Leading Cancer Center Pilots Extensive Value-Based Payment Plan

By Lisa D. Ellis The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston has always been on the cutting edge when it comes to providing high quality care. For the past 25 years, this multi-disciplinary facility has been ranked in the top two cancer centers in the United States, according to U.S. News & Read More

Connecting the Dots between Consumerism and Population Health

Jane Weber Brubaker

by Jane Weber Brubaker A seven-minute home video titled If Air Travel Worked Like Health Care made its debut on YouTube in 2010 and subsequently went viral. The video features a hapless customer struggling to book a round-trip flight through a fictitious airline, Air Health Care, and nail down the cost. The man’s frustration level Read More

Small Hospital, Big Award: How Hill Country Memorial Achieves Quality Excellence

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 2014 Recipient

Hill Country Memorial (HCM) in Fredericksburg, TX—a nonprofit organization serving a rural area with a population of just 10,000—might seem like a long-shot for a prestigious national award. Nonetheless, HCM was one of just four organizations nationwide to receive a 2014 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for achieving excellence in its efforts. Back in 2007, Read More

Hospital Operating Room Overhaul Lifts Efficiency and Patient Satisfaction

Cheryl L. Serra

by Cheryl L. Serra Satisfied patients are a powerful marketing tool for health care organizations, as one hospital learned when it overhauled the scheduling and management of its operating rooms (ORs). The efforts led to increased efficiency and patient satisfaction and helped boost profitability. Dr. Adam Blomberg, Vice Chief of Anesthesiology and Co-Medical Director of Read More

Medical Apprentice Program a Boon to Hospitals, Students, and the Community

by Colleen Sweeney In 2007, I developed the Medical Apprentice Program (MAP) for high school students in my community who were interested in medical careers but wanted on-site guidance and exposure—to caregivers, to patients, and to like-minded peers—before choosing a college major. Back in my day, unless you had volunteered or worked as a paramedic, Read More

Supermarket Chain Offers Infusion Services

Nancy Vessell profile pic

by Nancy Vessell When a Midwest supermarket chain began offering chemotherapy and other infusion services, a few heads were turned. “When I first learned about it, it did catch me by surprise. To my knowledge, I haven’t heard about other grocery chains getting into this [medical area],” says Michael Abrams, managing partner of Numerof & Read More

Six Key Digital Roles Needed in Today’s Marketing Department

by Derek Mabie The online realm is heavily integrated with everyone’s daily life. Society now relies on search engines and web­site functionality to add convenience, control, and precision to completing tasks – whether paying a bill or researching a brand. Today, consumers are searching online before making health-related decisions. The Pew Research Center’s Internet & Read More

Dedicated Men’s Health Programs Can Reach Reluctant Consumers

by Kris Rusch “When it comes to health,” asserts an article in Harvard Men’s Health Watch, “males are the weaker sex throughout life.” Com­pared with women, men on average have more chronic illnesses, die at higher rates from diseases, and have a lower life expectancy. Men also take more risks with their health. They use Read More

A New Model Attempts to Give Health Care Wings

by Cheryl L. Serra Imagine bringing health care to patients instead of requiring patients to travel to health care. Ernie Clevenger, co-founder and president of CareHere, LLC, did just that. The result? His company has a health care clinic with a retail component, the CareHere Walk-In Clinic and Wellness Store, located in the Nashville International Read More

QR Codes Are Obsolete

Michele von Dambrowski

by Michele von Dambrowski Not only are Quick Response codes dead, they “should have never lived,” claims Dean Browell, PhD, execu­tive vice president for the social media strategy firm Feedback in Richmond, VA. Browell likens QR codes to the ill-fated CueCat, a cat-shaped code reader that plugged into a computer like a mouse. Wired and Read More

Are You Prepared for the Next Generation of Service Lines?

by Cecily Lohmar The last decade has seen con­siderable growth in health care service lines, most often with the objective of expanding the more profitable services. At the same time, there have been numerous market changes – with more to come. Service lines have been an effective model for im­proving quality and cost in the Read More

Ten Sites or Apps That Exemplify Good Use of Mobile Health Care

Michele von Dambrowski

by Michele von Dambrowski Everyone knows that mobile is hot, observes Christian Twiste, vice president of interactive services at BlueSpire Strategic Marketing. But what everyone struggles with, including large Internet companies, is how best to address the different ways that people interact with their mobile devices. “A lot of mobile users are either bored, busy, Read More

Dedicated Emergency Departments Target Expectant Moms

Nancy Vessell profile pic

by Nancy Vessell Obstetric emergency departments staffed 24/7 by obstetricians/gynecologists are popping up around the country, handling obstetric triage and emergent situations. Two of the newest – and the first in New Jersey – are Christ Hospital in Jersey City and Hoboken University Medical Center. Their parent corporation, CarePoint Health, says the OB EDs that Read More

Big Data, Little Information?

by Joyce Miller, Jaren Wilson, and Beverly Schulman In recent years, the volume and variety of health care data has grown exponen­tially to the point that the term “big data” has be­come part of our vocabu­lary. Big data refers to data sets so large and complex that they are difficult to process. In short, big Read More

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