UCLA Health Leading the Way in Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Linda Ho, executive director, marketing innovation, technology, and operations, UCLA Health

// By Brian Griffin // A prominent West Coast health system is building a care environment, work culture, and community presence that takes health equity, diversity, and inclusion to the next level. UCLA Health is emerging as a national leader in addressing racial inequities in health care and across society. In light of growing local Read More

Project ECHO Moves Knowledge, Not People

Ben Cloutier, director of communications and marketing, Project ECHO

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // One physician specialist’s vision for sharing his expertise with primary care providers has grown into a global movement that extends specialized care to patients in underserved communities. Health care industry expert Paul Keckley challenges the belief that all health care is local, calling it “the myth that refuses to Read More

Social Media Initiative Focuses on Positioning Advocate Aurora Health As a Provider of Choice Among Growing Hispanic Market

Sarah Scroggins, director, social media, Advocate Aurora Health

// By Brian Griffin // One of the Midwest’s largest health systems is effectively using social media to reach its Spanish-speaking population with information about COVID-19 and important health services for the community. As diversity, equity, and inclusion continue to increase in importance, Advocate Aurora Health has been making strong progress in connecting online with Read More

Johns Hopkins Medicine Leveraged Positive Momentum to Drive Repositioning

During the past two years of a pandemic that continues to rage, health care brands have absorbed the additional burden of managing their reputations in the throes of unprecedented consumer demand for needed services to counter COVID-19 within their communities. Hospitals and health systems across the U.S., including Johns Hopkins Medicine, have overwhelmingly answered the Read More

Tips for Thriving in a Hybrid Workplace

Susan Dubuque

// By Susan Dubuque // On March 16, 2020, I met with a group of fellow Donate Life America volunteers in my office. That would be my last face-to-face meeting for the next 18 months.  My story is not unique. Throughout the pandemic, many nonessential employees have made the adjustment to working remotely. Somehow, we Read More

How Do Organizations Embrace and Embed Consumer-Centric Values?

Steven K. Klasko, MD, MBA, former president, Thomas Jefferson University, and CEO, Jefferson Health

Let’s face it. Health care is a maze, and patients often feel like the rat, trying to get through and hitting one dead end after another. More often than not, health systems don’t prioritize what matters to patients. And even calling patients “patients” instead of “consumers” may serve to maintain the status quo. In the Read More

Report From the Front: Weathering COVID’s Ongoing Storm

Ann De Los Santos, director of physician relations and strategic growth, Ascension Texas

In spite of the population of Austin, Texas growing by a net of 150 people a day — and with it, an increase in demand for services — surgical volume at Ascension Texas dropped during the pandemic’s early days, when Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order mandating a pause in elective surgeries. “Our leadership Read More

How Walmart Is Remaking Itself as a Health and Wellness Destination

Karissa Price, vice president of marketing, food, consumables, and health and wellness, Walmart

Notwithstanding the health care industry’s keen interest in Walmart and figuring out what its next move might be, most consumers still think of Walmart as a retail store, not a health and wellness destination. Karissa Price, Walmart’s vice president of marketing, food, consumables, and health and wellness at the time of our reporting, sought to Read More

Johns Hopkins Medicine — Positioning Brand Beyond the Product

Suzanne Sawyer, SVP, chief marketing and communications officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine

// By John Marzano // In the middle of a pandemic, with the world tuning in daily to view the latest alarming statistics on infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, Johns Hopkins Medicine launched a new brand campaign centered on hope, connection, and progress. During the past two years of a pandemic that continues to rage throughout Read More

A Strong Retail Presence is a Gamechanger for Summit Health

Summit Health

The story of health care over the past two years is the story of provider organizations adapting to extreme circumstances and constant change, which continues to this day; as of this writing in late December 2021, the U.S. reported 488,000 new COVID-19 infections, breaking its single-day record. But back in August 2019, no one knew Read More

8 Dimensions of Patient-Centered Care Revisited and Reaffirmed

Ryan Donohue, corporate director of program development, NRC Health

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // The 2021 book Patient No Longer asks the question, “What makes the top organizations in the country unique?” Let’s face it. Health care is a maze, and patients often feel like the rat, trying to get through and hitting one dead end after another. More often than not, health Read More

Personalized Content Key to Earning Consumers’ Trust in Walmart As a Health and Wellness Destination

Diana Jones, communications and wellness consultant, Walmart

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Walmart’s marketing VP believes that high-quality, personalized health care content is the start to building trusted relationships with consumers, and supporting them on their health care journeys. Notwithstanding the health care industry’s keen interest in Walmart and figuring out what its next move might be, most consumers still think Read More

Marketing-Led “Executive Visioning” Meetings: Elevate Your Organization’s Strategic Focus and Raise Your Profile with the C-Suite

Discover the power of a unique 30-minute meeting to help organization leaders see beyond the pandemic to the future.

A new Strategic Health Care Marketing webinar for health care marketers and strategists

Presented on March 10, 2022

Your Presenters:

  • Jennifer Horton, MBA, Vice President of Strategy, Ten Adams
  • Jimmy Phillips, MBA, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Kettering Health

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Riding the Waves of COVID and Pushing Progress in Physician Relations

Jennifer Lofgren, regional director of network development, Loyola Medicine

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // The urgent need of health care organizations to make up for lost business during the pandemic creates an opportunity for physician relations teams to become the critical communications link between service-line leaders and high-priority referring physicians. In spite of the population of Austin, Texas growing by a net of Read More

Summit Health: Why a Health System Without a Hospital Makes Sense

Matt Gove, chief marketing officer, Summit Health

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // The story of health care over the past two years is the story of provider organizations adapting to extreme circumstances and constant change, which continues to this day; as of this writing in late December 2021, the U.S. reported 488,000 new COVID-19 infections, breaking its single-day record. But back Read More

MarTech Is Moving Fast

Tom Hileman, CEO and president, Hileman Group

Marketing technology (MarTech) is changing fast. How fast? Twenty percent of MarTech innovations available today didn’t even exist in 2016, according to Tom Hileman, CEO and president of the Hileman Group. In health care, Hileman says conversational marketing technology and marketing compliance platforms lead the way with 70 percent growth over the past five years. Read More

How Medical Dramas Can (and Should) Influence Real-Life Medicine

Richard Cohen

“I am a medical television junkie,” confesses longtime health care journalist Richard L. Cohen. “Starting with ER seemingly forever ago, I have watched hundreds of episodes of medical television shows over the years. I am also a veteran health care marketing journalist, having covered the profession since the mid 1980s.” Here’s an excerpt from Cohen’s new Read More

5 Keys to Building Stronger Relationships Between Marketing and Finance


Increased economic pressures caused by the pandemic and other factors are making it more important than ever for marketers to partner with their chief financial officers to develop a deeper understanding of finance and demonstrate return on investment for marketing spending.

A new Strategic Health Care Marketing webinar for health care marketers and strategists

Presented on January 12, 2022

Your Presenters:

  • Amy Stevens, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Tidelands Health
  • Beth Ward, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Tidelands Health
  • Melissa Fors, Vice President of Marketing Strategy, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
  • James A. Blaha, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


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Why Tracking Lifetime Value Metrics Can Help Retention Efforts

Suzanne Sawyer, SVP, chief marketing and communications officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine

If acquiring a new customer is up to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one, why is so much attention paid to patient acquisition and so little to retention? Even the definition of “new patient” is relative. At what point does a former patient who has leaked out of the system have to Read More

One Top Trend for 2022: Health Care at Home Is Booming

Wunderman Thompson Health

“The ability to attract, activate, and guide consumers through health care’s labyrinth depends not only on reimagining the business of health care but building relationships of value and trust that result in inspired, confident customers,” says Lindsay R. Resnick of Wunderman Thompson Health. Here’s an excerpt from his new article: Health care transformation was all Read More

Free White Paper: Returning to Profitability in a Post COVID Environment

// Sponsored Post //

Hospital systems world-wide have been one of the hardest-hit industries during the COVID pandemic. Not only are they struggling with the current and future management of the crisis, but they’re also learning how to dissect the “new normal” by re-engaging with their communities and promoting revenue-generating service lines and elective procedures.

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Mobile Screening Targets Lung Cancer in West Virginia

Jenny Ostien, director of the Mobile Cancer Screening Program, WVU Cancer Institute

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in West Virginia, with more deaths each year than breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers combined. According to the 2019 West Virginia Cancer Burden Report, lung cancer accounts for 18 percent of all new cancer diagnoses in the state. Only 22 percent of those receiving a lung Read More

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