Start and Leverage a Speakers Bureau for Branding Success

Kristin Mack Deuber

Should your health care organization start a speakers bureau? Most experts say, “Yes”—and a few of them offer important advice for making sure yours achieves all of your organization’s desired benefits. “Speakers bureaus are great reputation-building tools for organizations as they increase awareness of the organization and they also provide a way to build the Read More

Creating Content Marketing That Converts Consumers Into Patients

Susan Gullion, associate director of search engine marketing at Sequence Health

// By Susan Gullion // The health care sector lacks the rich marketing history of industries like retail or automotive, but today’s patients are more empowered than ever and the behaviors they display when seeking health care services or products largely mirror their shopping journeys for apparel, electronics, or any other household product. That is Read More

How Gen X and Boomers Shop for Health Care

Ken Robbins, CEO of Response Mine Interactive

“Much has been written about marketing health care products and services to millennials, and for good reason,” says Ken Robbins, CEO and founder of digital agency Response Mine Interactive. “Since millennials are coming into disposable income and are extremely health-conscious, it makes good sense to understand how to reach them. But marketers cannot afford to Read More

How Cook Children’s Health System Fights Back Against Child Abuse

Center for Children's Health led by Cook Children's

// By Lisa D. Ellis // The faces of two beautiful toddlers practically jump off the Star Telegram’s website, their vibrant expressions and sparkling eyes captured so clearly on the screen that it’s hard to believe that both of these youngsters are no longer living. Tragically, these children—who did not know each other but are Read More

Marketing Science Plus Soul Equals Brand Success for City of Hope

Lisa Stockmon, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at City of Hope

When a young woman named Kommah was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer, she was told she had just a 5 percent chance of surviving. Gus, a firefighter, had to forgo saving others’ lives to focus on his own fight against leukemia. Today, both Kommah and Gus have beaten the odds, thanks to Read More

Piedmont Healthcare Partners with Walgreens on Walk-In Clinics

Matt Gove, chief consumer officer at Piedmont Healthcare

Piedmont Healthcare’s prescription for staying current in the competitive marketplace includes partnering with Walgreens, one of the largest drugstore chains in the United States. To this end, Piedmont will take over operation of quick-care clinics in 27 Walgreens stores in the metro Atlanta region starting this August. This will enable Piedmont to provide easy-to-access locations Read More

How Piedmont Healthcare Sells Patients on its New Walk-In Retail Clinics

Matt Gove, chief consumer officer at Piedmont Healthcare

// By Lisa D. Ellis // Piedmont Healthcare’s prescription for staying current in the competitive marketplace includes partnering with Walgreens, one of the largest drugstore chains in the United States. To this end, Piedmont will take over operation of quick-care clinics in 27 Walgreens stores in the metro Atlanta region starting this August. This will Read More

Gen X Is All Grown Up: Meet the Patients Driving Health Care Consumerism

Ken Robbins, CEO of Response Mine Interactive

// By Ken Robbins // Much has been written about marketing health care products and services to millennials, and for good reason. Since millennials are coming into disposable income and are extremely health-conscious, it makes good sense to understand how to reach them. But marketers cannot afford to overlook other generations. More focus should be Read More

What’s Good for Patients Is Good for Business, Too

Lisa D. Ellis

Have you ever truly wondered what it’s like to walk in your patients’ shoes? Many health care marketers today view patient experience in the context of how well a person interacts within the various touchpoints of his/her health care system, as well as by how satisfied the patients are with the care and information they Read More

How to Commit Health Care Marketing Heresies for Fun and Profit

Peter Hochstein

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // “Health care heresies?” No doubt about it. Since April of this year, a New York advertising agency called Brandfire has been committing the advertising equivalent of heresy on behalf of North Memorial Health, a respected Minneapolis-St. Paul area hospital system with two hospitals, some 650 beds, Read More

Customize the Patient Experience To Increase Satisfaction

Stacy Palmer, CPXP, senior vice president of The Beryl Institute

At a children’s hospital in Massachusetts, families of patients trying to park their cars in the very crowded multilevel garage will find a valet waiting at the top level to take the vehicle for them if the lot is full. This helps to relieve parents’ stress and makes a difficult day a little easier. In Read More

Touchdown! Health System Teams with Sports Franchise for the Win

Jeff Sofka, founder and principal at Bendigo

Some of the latest headlines from top academic medical centers today seem more fitting for ESPN than for a health care brand. This is thanks to the fact that a growing number of organizations are signing increasingly complex and integrated agreements with NFL, MLB, and NBA teams. Just these past few months, landmark partnerships have Read More

Don’t Overlook the Importance of Physician Relations

Ritch K. Eich, PhD

Q. What do the peach orchards of Northern California and most major health systems have in common? A. More than you might think, according to Ritch K. Eich, who worked on several ranches to earn his way through college before going on to build an impressive career that has included serving as vice president, senior Read More

How To Thrive Amidst ACA Uncertainty

Lisa Ellis

The fate of the American health care system is currently unknown as a new health care plan is making its way through Congress, raising many questions for people working in health care organizations, as well as for the patients they serve. How can you be sure your organization is well positioned for whatever comes next? Read More

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