patient satisfaction

Adopting Practices from Consumer Marketing to Build Patient Loyalty

Rich Phillips

// By Rich Phillips // The past few years have seen noteworthy transformation within health care strategy and marketing. An important shift is underway from “awareness” marketing focused on brand building to “conversion” marketing focused on patient acquisition. While this shift is necessary, it remains insufficient. The emerging emphasis by health care CEOs on retention Read More

Learn What Your Patients Really Want—And Target Your Marketing Accordingly

West logo

Health care organizations increasingly focus on improving the patient experience as reimbursement levels are now tied to this essential measurement. Further, when patients aren’t satisfied with their medical care or how office staff treats them, they are apt to shop around for a new provider. Yet all too often, areas where health care organizations invest Read More

Customize the Patient Experience To Increase Satisfaction

Stacy Palmer, CPXP, senior vice president of The Beryl Institute

At a children’s hospital in Massachusetts, families of patients trying to park their cars in the very crowded multilevel garage will find a valet waiting at the top level to take the vehicle for them if the lot is full. This helps to relieve parents’ stress and makes a difficult day a little easier. In Read More

Word of Mouth Remains a Health Care Marketing Imperative

“Here’s important context for health care marketing in 2017: Attention and trust continue to decline across the country,” says Ryan Hanser, APR, who leads Hanser & Associates, a full-service PR firm based in Des Moines, Iowa. “Sure, we still have knowledgeable specialists—doctors, for starters. The trouble is that people increasingly reject the authority of expertise. Read More

Word of Mouth: Harness the Voice of Patients and Staff for Powerful Results

// By Ryan Hanser // Here’s important context for health care marketing in 2017: Attention and trust continue to decline across the country. Year over year, America appears to be witnessing the collapse of expertise and institutional trust. Sure, we still have knowledgeable specialists—doctors, for starters. The trouble is that people increasingly reject the authority Read More

Your Call Center: An Untapped Source of Revenue?


“Call centers in health care used to be treated like the ugly stepchild of the health system, banished to the basement of some administrative building and populated with low-performing employees,” says Robin Snow, founder and principal of Aefinity Interactive, LLC. “Because it was seen as a necessary evil, most executives treated the call center as Read More

Tailoring Messages to Better Fit the Latino Community

“Arminda “Mindy” Figueroa, the Founder and President of Latin2Latin Marketing + Communications

How to Overcome 5 Common Challenges to Health Care Organizations’ Cultural Outreach Efforts // By Lisa D. Ellis // What if you were in a foreign country and needed emergency medical care but couldn’t communicate effectively with the health care providers there? This could put your life at risk, if you and your provider couldn’t Read More

How Media Training Can Refine and Strengthen Your Message

Lisa D. Ellis

You go to great lengths to develop strong messages that will resonate with your target audience and reinforce your brand. But what your spokespeople don’t say may come across louder than their actual words. This is because body language is essential when it comes to establishing trust and connecting with viewers on television and video. Read More

Media Training: Nonverbal Cues May Drown Out Your Messaging

Lisa D. Ellis

How to Address the Problem and Connect with More Potential Patients // By Lisa D. Ellis // You go to great lengths to develop strong messages that will resonate with your target audience and reinforce your brand. But what your spokespeople don’t say may come across louder than their actual words. This is because body Read More

Get a More Complete Picture of Patient Experience

William Maples, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Professional Research Consultants, Inc.

How satisfied are your patients with the care they receive in your facility? Your answer may be based on the latest HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) data, which provides an important way to track key measures from the patient perspective. This can provide valuable insight into your strengths and weaknesses. But Read More

Going Beyond HCAHPS Data to Track Customers’ Experiences

William Maples, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Professional Research Consultants, Inc.

An Interview with William Maples, M.D. // By Lisa D. Ellis // How satisfied are your patients with the care they receive in your facility? Your answer may be based on the latest HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) data, which provides an important way to track key measures from the patient Read More

Resort-Style Attention Puts Patients at Ease at Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Patti Crimmins Reda, Executive Director

At Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, several customer-oriented programs are deeply integrated into the facility’s framework to help people feel truly comfortable with the care they receive. Such customer-focused programs include (among many others) concierge services through the Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Heart & Vascular Center. Barnes-Jewish is Read More

At Lafayette General Medical Center, Advertising-Driven Patient Traffic Goes Up, Up, Up. But Media Spending? That’s Down.

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // There’s nothing new about testimonial advertising campaigns for hospitals, right? Well, not so fast. Sometimes factors ranging from how the testimonials are executed, to the community where they’re broadcast, to even the media strategy, can make a striking difference. A case in point, the testimonial campaign Read More

Let’s Rethink Your Hospital Call Center

// By Andrea Simon, Ph.D. // A hospital “call center” often has been considered an irritating expense health care organizations have to endure, because people use phones and want to reach a doctor or patient in the hospital. But maybe it’s time to ask, “What if we’ve always been wrong?” Maybe a call center actually Read More

The C-Suite Weighs In on Health Care Branding

by Candace A. Quinn Marketers have spent the past 10 to 15 years focusing on emerging brand development initiatives for their organizations. Marketers want the brand equity of a Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, or Johns Hopkins Medicine, yet most of them represent the typical community-based hospital or health system that is slugging it out with Read More