Integrated Marketing and Compelling Storytelling Bolster UMMC’s Organ Transplantation Program

July 25, 2024

Logo - University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC)The University of Maryland Medical Center deploys a layered approach to marketing its transplantation program, connecting with consumers at every stage of the funnel.

// By Susan Dubuque //

Susan Dubuque, a strategist and writer specializing in health care and behavior change, was a cofounder and principal of Two Tango (formerly NDP Agency).

Bill Seiler, assistant director, media relations, UMMC

Bill Seiler, assistant director, media relations, UMMC

For more than 50 years, the Division of Transplantation at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) has saved hundreds of lives annually through its expertise in kidney, liver, heart, lung, and pancreas transplantation. To support the program, the UMMC marketing and communications team has devised a three-tier marketing strategy.

“Strategic communications enriched with human interest stories establish a solid foundation for the UMMC brand and reinforce the transplant program’s leading-edge reputation,” remarks Bill Seiler, on the media relations team at UMMC. This casts the widest net and reaches the broadest audience at the top of the funnel.

Jessie Pulsipher, marketing and communications manager, UMMC

Jessie Pulsipher, marketing and communications manager, UMMC

“We use targeted digital tactics to reach consumers mid-funnel, engaging prospective patients and families and guiding them throughout their transplant journeys,” says Jessie Pulsipher, marketing and communications manager at UMMC.

“Search campaigns provide ready access to information on transplant services, resources, and appointment scheduling,” adds Pulsipher, “capturing consumers at the bottom of the funnel.”

Read on to see how this leading medical center achieves impressive results with a multichannel marketing and communications strategy.

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