Word of Mouth: Harness the Voice of Patients and Staff for Powerful Results

// By Ryan Hanser // Here’s important context for health care marketing in 2017: Attention and trust continue to decline across the country. Year over year, America appears to be witnessing the collapse of expertise and institutional trust. Sure, we still have knowledgeable specialists—doctors, for starters. The trouble is that people increasingly reject the authority Read More

Urgent Care + Uber Transport = Win for Orthopedic Franchise

Lisa D. Ellis

If you or a family member broke an ankle or dislocated a shoulder, what if you could just use an app on your smartphone to schedule a visit at a nearby orthopedic urgent care center and, at the same time, also arrange for an Uber driver to transport you? That’s the premise of a new Read More

Micro-Targeted Marketing Pays Off for Tanner Health System

When its market share began dwindling recently, Tanner Health System turned to micro-targeted data to step up its marketing efforts. Until recently, the system’s main sources of information were limited to the basics such as electronic medical records, census bureau results, and general facts about the service area. “We also had data from the Georgia Read More

Your Call Center: An Untapped Source of Revenue?


“Call centers in health care used to be treated like the ugly stepchild of the health system, banished to the basement of some administrative building and populated with low-performing employees,” says Robin Snow, founder and principal of Aefinity Interactive, LLC. “Because it was seen as a necessary evil, most executives treated the call center as Read More

Language Access in Health Care Under a Trump Presidency

Jill Mead

Part 2: Interpreting (Spoken Word) Requirements for Health Care Organizations // By Jill Mead // Are you wondering about President Donald Trump’s current plans to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act? Most people working in the field want to know the timeframe and what this will mean when it comes to interpreting (spoken word) Read More

Quick—What Do Merged Hospitals and a Woman Stock Car Race Driver Have in Common? One Health Care Advertising Agency Found Plenty of Similarity

Notable Health Care Advertising // By Peter Hochstein // In 2013, three hospitals, along with various satellite practices and facilities in the western suburbs of Chicago, merged. Edward Hospital in Naperville, Illinois, with 309 beds, all in private rooms; Elmhurst Memorial Hospital in Elmhurst, Illinois, with 259 beds, also all in private rooms; and Linden Read More

Hospital’s Magazine Moves the Needle; Does Yours?

Peter Hochstein

Who says print is dead? That’s far from the case in the health care field, where “publishing magazines is starting to seem as commonplace in many hospitals as taking patients’ temperatures. Well, almost,” says veteran copywriter and SHCM contributor Peter Hochstein. “The data collected over the last ten years shows that approximately 60 to 70 Read More

The Future of the ACA Nondiscrimination Rules Under Trump

Jill Mead, in-house Compliance Counsel for Vocalink, Inc.

“On July 18, 2016, the long-awaited final rule implementing Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities went into effect. The new rule provides a comprehensive framework of what it means to provide effective communication and meaningful access to health care for Limited English Proficient (“LEP”) and disabled patients, Read More

Tailoring Messages to Better Fit the Latino Community

“Arminda “Mindy” Figueroa, the Founder and President of Latin2Latin Marketing + Communications

How to Overcome 5 Common Challenges to Health Care Organizations’ Cultural Outreach Efforts // By Lisa D. Ellis // What if you were in a foreign country and needed emergency medical care but couldn’t communicate effectively with the health care providers there? This could put your life at risk, if you and your provider couldn’t Read More

Language Access in Health Care Under a Trump Presidency Part 1: Exploring Guidelines for Written (Print and Digital) Work

Jill Mead, in-house Compliance Counsel for Vocalink, Inc.

// By Jill Mead // Many organizations have been struggling to understand and meet the language access requirements imposed by the Affordable Care Act. But will the requirements change once the new President takes office? This two-part series explores what organizations can expect moving forward. In this first column, we’ll look at the requirements for Read More

How Media Training Can Refine and Strengthen Your Message

Lisa D. Ellis

You go to great lengths to develop strong messages that will resonate with your target audience and reinforce your brand. But what your spokespeople don’t say may come across louder than their actual words. This is because body language is essential when it comes to establishing trust and connecting with viewers on television and video. Read More

Merger of Two New Jersey Organizations Creates New State of Health Care

Hackensack Meridian Health Logo

// By Lisa D. Ellis // When two health care organizations in New Jersey merged to create one larger, more comprehensive system called Hackensack Meridian Health last summer, there were many opportunities and challenges. For instance, the CEOs of both legacy organizations decided to share the top leadership role in the new system, pooling their Read More

10 Health Care Marketing Trends To Watch in 2017

“If what we’ve seen over the past year is any indication, 2017 won’t be for the faint of heart,” says Lindsay R. Resnick, Executive Vice President at ReviveHealth, a Weber Shandwick company. “Combine the dynamics of socioeconomic-political tensions with the massive transformation happening across health care’s ecosystem—regulatory, technology, competition, innovation, finance, clinical—and you get an Read More

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