Health Care Consumer Experience: Disney Veteran Helps Health Care System Boost Its CX

April 22, 2021
Kevan Mabbutt discusses health care consumer experience. He is chief marketing officer and chief consumer officer at Intermountain Healthcare.

Kevan Mabbutt, chief marketing officer and chief consumer officer, Intermountain Healthcare

If you have been paying attention for the past couple of years, you know there’s been growing talk in health care about health care consumer experience, consumerism and digital health. Telehealth, wearable devices, online portals and scheduling, and other technological advances have caused significant changes in how consumers receive their medical care.

It is a trend that has been developing for several years but accelerated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Much of the industry continues to lag, but some health systems got an early start several years ago when they hired executives from other industries to help them become more consumer-focused and guide their digital transformation.

One of the first was Intermountain Healthcare, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Intermountain went to one of the most consumer-focused companies in the world when it brought in Kevan Mabbutt from The Walt Disney Company in California.

Before he arrived at Intermountain, Mabbutt explains, the system already had a robust website, social media team, and a digital marketing program in place. When Dr. Marc Harrison, MD joined Intermountain Healthcare as president and CEO in 2016, he knew there was a great need to increase the focus on the health care consumer experience at the system.

Mabbutt is focused on identifying what consumers expect from health care providers and how to use digital technology to meet their expectations. He joined Intermountain in 2017 after working as global head of consumer insight at Disney, where he led the company’s consumer experience efforts for theme parks, cruise lines, resorts, retail, and digital businesses.

Health Care Consumer Experience Farther Behind Than Anticipated

Now, nearly four years after joining Intermountain, Mabbutt says he thinks he was mostly correct in his evaluation. “I had the basic themes of where health care was behind about right,” he says. “What I probably didn’t get right was the magnitude.”

Learn more: Health Systems Look Outside the Industry to Up Their Digital Marketing Game

Best regards,
Matt Humphrey

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